Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood AsthmaThe moisture problem that caused the mold growth in the ACsystem is often due to an air leak in a duct or wall allowing warm moistair to come in contact with a cold HVAC surface. It must be repaired.Rarely in a residential setting does the entire duct system needcleaning. Cleaning often damages fragile air ducts. Commercial,metal lined ducts can be cleaned.• There has been evidence that mycotoxins can attach themselves tofine dust particles. These particles and the toxins they contain are notdetected in traditional air or dust samples sent to the labs for mold sporeanalysis. Toxin-laden fine dust particles and stray mold spores mustall be removed before an area can be “mold free.” The following orsimilar procedures should be incorporated into the remediation process.Note that in a typical square foot of contaminated wall-board,there can be billions of mold spores. The more careful you are tominimize their spread during the removal of moldy materials, theless time and cost involved in clean up.o Before remediation begins: Set up appropriate containmentincluding sealing AC supply and return ducts in the workarea. Cover furniture with plastic sheeting. Make sure carpetsare covered. Follow all applicable health and safety guidelines.Please note that in the typical situation in which theoccupants are not allowed to be in the home or office duringthe remediation, the usual containment as per EPA guidelinesfor a minor problem can can be a powerful fan placed in awindow frame pulling contaminated air out of the closed offroom(s) being remediated. Too much money can be wasted onbuilding fixed containments that are not necessary but look“professional” and are expensive.o HEPA vacuum the surface of the mold-contaminatedmaterials to reduce the spread of mold spores before startingthe removal of problem materials. We often use standard ShopVacs with drywall filters for the "HEPA" vacuuming but use along extension to allow the Vac to exhaust outside. Thisapproach is much safer and much less expensive than using anactual HEPA rated vacuum machine.97

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