Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood Asthmamold growth are being remediated or when any destructivetechniques are used such as removing drywall, AC ducts or airhandler, partitions or carpets.Workers should handle contaminated materials in a manner thatminimizes disturbance of fungal particles, especially if removal mightuncover further contamination that has not yet been identified. Toprevent or minimize the dispersion of particles beyond the work area,containment (i.e., engineering controls) and special cleaning practicesare often necessary. This may include critical barriers (e.g.,polyethylene sheeting), depressurization techniques (e.g., negative airpressure machines or a fan placed in a window to direct air flowoutward), dust suppression methods (e.g., fogging, damp wiping,HEPA vacuum cleaning), and decontamination procedures (e.g.,showers, dirty rooms, and clean rooms).Make sure that any AC supply and return vents within thecontainment area are sealed. For further guidance on contaminantcontrol, refer to the documents listed in Appendix B or seek advicefrom experienced mold remediation professionals.In “Moderate” and “Major” problems, workers should “pre-clean” andthen moisten contaminated materials to minimize dispersion ofcontaminants once the containment is in place. Pre-cleaning involvescareful cleaning of easily accessible surface contamination withmethods that can lift and capture fine dusts.Our preferred method for pre-cleaning surfaces is to place a Wet Vacequipped with a drywall dust filter outside the building and, using along hose, micro-vac the mold contaminated surfaces.Then put small holes in the walls and place the vacuum on each holeand then tap the wall with a rubber mallet. Loose mold spores on theinside of the drywall will be exhausted outside thereby minimizing thespread of mold contaminants when the wall is removed.If this pre-cleaning procedure is followed by fogging the wall surfaceand wall cavities with a diluted disinfectant like Lysol ... there will beminimal disbursement of contaminants during material removal.72

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