Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood Asthma10. Remediation EvaluationAfter the mold remediation work is completed, an evaluation of itseffectiveness should be performed. Evaluation findings can helprestore the confidence of all stakeholders. Outside contractors shouldbe given, with their job requirements, a description as to how thesuccess of a remediation will be determined.An independent third party’s evaluation is a good way to provideadditional protection against potential future liability. Decide whowill do the evaluation, how the results will be used to demonstratethat remediation goals have been met, and what next steps will betaken if clearance criteria are not satisfied.Professional mold remediators are trained to say they are notresponsible for evaluating their own work and prefer to rely on thirdparty consultants for such evaluations. For complex jobs this canmake sense, but for everyday jobs there is often no extra money to hireconsultants.Money spent on consultants can often be better spent on eliminatingthe mold and health threats to occupants.The professional mold remediation contractor should be responsiblefor evaluating as well as providing a warranty for the quality of hisown work unless a consultant will be hired to assume suchresponsibility.Make sure the remediation contractor has the appropriate mold insurancecoverage and is licensed for any construction work to be done.Local building codes and state laws vary widely regarding therequirements for licensing and the need for building permits.For instance in our area in South Florida some cities require permitsfor removing $500 of drywall. Some only for putting it back if thejob size is over $2500. Some allow any plumbing work up to $2500.And some require a permit for swapping out a hot water heater.89

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