Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Are Cleaning Products Toxic?Almost all products are toxic at a sufficient concentrationand length of exposure (this is a crucial factor).Many modern cleaning products contain solvents (VOC)that are known neurotoxins, or oils (SVOC) that havesome toxic effects.Some of those components are intentionally toxicwhile some are toxic only as a side effect to the primaryreason that they are used.Get MSDS sheets (detailed fact sheets) on all cleaningproducts that you use, then have everyone read them.If MSDS sheets are not available we recommend thatyou do not use the product.Too Toxic to Use?How you use a product can modify its toxicity.The threshold level of concern is very highlyvariable, especially for occupants of some agesand some existing sensitivities. Rememberthat some occupants spend all of their timeindoors, in that location.Ventilation during use can dramatically reducethe exposure that workers and occupants ‘see’but some traces of the cleaner will still remain!

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