Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood Asthmaevent that uncertainties, such as the following, arise:• The extent of the contamination problem has not been clearlyidentified; or• There is less than ideal confidence in the engineering controls orexperience of workers to be used for the proposed remediation work.After carefully following the control measures and other remediationpractices that should minimize occupants’ exposures, you may chooseto relax the administrative precautions. For example, relocatesusceptible occupants to areas adjacent to the mold remediation workarea when it is verified that the work area is under appropriatecontainment.It is important to clarify that the most protective approach is notnecessarily the evacuation of an entire building. Even the worst moldproblems can usually be remediated utilizing engineering controls ofthe affected areas and possibly evacuating occupants or susceptibleindividuals in directly adjacent areas. The rest of the building can beoperated normally. However, extreme cases may require closing a building.This might apply when the entire building is contaminated (orsignificant airborne contaminants cannot be controlled) and a medicalprofessional has linked significant health effects to the mold problem.Whenever occupants have been moved, anticipate questions about reoccupancyand safety after job completion. Post-remediationevaluation findings are necessary for making re-occupancy decisions.Communicating these findings is essential to provide peace of mindto the occupants. Implicit is the need to determine (in the planningphase) specific clearance indicators or criteria that will be used toevaluate the effectiveness of the remediation. It may be useful toinclude stakeholders in high-profile or “Major” contaminationproblems, since this can help anticipate questions and concerns thatmay need to be addressed. After re-occupancy, occupants should beinformed about the process for reporting any future concerns to theappropriate person(s).66

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