Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood AsthmaSimilarly, attics all have some mold and/or bacterial growth.And attics usually smell bad. Attic spaces are typically open tothe outside and receive a steady input of moisture from humidair that enters the space during humid seasons. This moistureis more than enough to allow mold and odor producingbacteria to grow. In many homes, especially older homes, theattic space is connected to the interior wall cavities so thatmoist air enters the wall cavities and results in mold growthand continuous odors inside wall cavities.Small amounts of attic mold and odors will emanate fromelectrical plates and small holes but these can usually behandled by proper air filtration and ventilation. Modernbuildings have air tight recessed lights but many olderbuildings have recessed lighting that have huge penetrations inthem allowing major amounts of attic mold and smells toenter the home. Or there may be large holes in and aroundthe supply and return ducting going into an AC closet thatallow mold and moist air from the attic and wall cavities intothe AC duct system.Problems may not be apparent unless the wind is gusty andpushes mold and smells from the attic and wall cavities outinto the building interior.Offices may also be missing electrical or cable or other wallplates and/or have visible holes in the walls and allow moldand smells to leak into the indoor space from non-airconditioned wall cavities.It is critical that all openings to the attic and wall cavities becovered. We find that putting a Smoke Stick in the attic (orbasement) with a strong fan in a window, blowing out, is avery good method for finding and documenting air leaks.e. If you are remediating a mold problem after a flood, it isimportant to know if a water restoration contractor wascalled in earlier. You need to understand exactly what their45

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