Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C

Download Here - James L. Schaller, M.D., M.A.R., P.C


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Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation Techniques That Significantly Reduce Childhood AsthmaWhen bleach is handled, the respiratory protection equipment usedmust be effective against inorganic vapors. Or sufficient ventilationmust be provided. In addition, protective gloves and eye protectionshould be used when handling bleach to avoid burns.Note: Many or most chemically sensitive people object to the use ofbleach. We explain that it is the only safe method for bringing thepremises to like-new condition and the odor is because it evaporatesfast and does not leave a residue. We recommend that they shouldsniff the place and return when they are comfortable that the odor hasabated. This almost always works. If not, then they should berelocated to another area.9.11 Use of Gas-Phase OzoneOzone should not be used for mold removal. It will not remove moldgrowth. Ozone can be quite effective in the elimination of odors oncethe remediation has been performed. Ozone treatment should only beperformed on unoccupied areas and according to equipmentmanufacturer recommended procedures.9.12 Use of Heat in Mold RemediationMold is killed when heated in the range of 140 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.There are some vendors that sell equipment to heat the entirestructure and claim this kills mold inside the walls. We are doubtfulthat this works as claimed. In addition, blowing air into rooms or wallcavities – whether the air is room temperature or hot – can result inthe spread of mold spores and toxins. Nevertheless, heat can beeffectively used to kill mold in carefully defined and sealed off areassuch as hard to access wall cavities and behind cabinets that are notpractical to be removed or replaced. Even when the mold is killed themold toxins remain. It is imperative that mold in hidden cavitieskilled by heat be sealed so that the toxins that remain are not released.And the source of moisture that caused the growth in the first placemust also be eliminated.88

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