Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University


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Academic Policies and ProceduresThe grade of I (incomplete) can be given if you are unable tocomplete the requirements of a course due to a serious illness, death inthe family, or other personal emergency. To request an incomplete ina particular course, you should apply directly to the instructor of thecourse. Apply to your college dean if you are unable to complete the requirementsfor all your courses. If the dean or instructor considers yourreason for requesting an incomplete satisfactory, he/she will approve it.If you do not complete the work for a course in which you received agrade of I by the last day of classes before final exam week of the nextfull semester, you will receive a grade of F for the course. You may notgraduate from the university with a temporary grade on your record.Other Types of GradesA grade of P is given for courses where you successfully completethe requirements of the course and a letter grade is not appropriate.Examples of such courses include internships and other fieldexperiences. If you register for such a course and do not complete therequirements, a grade of F will be given.Credits you earn at another institution that are accepted towardsyour degree at <strong>Shippensburg</strong> are indicated with a grade of TR. Seethe Transfer Credit section for further details.Credits earned with grades of P or TR will be counted towards thetotal number of credits required for your degree, but they are not usedin calculating your QPA.A grade of N indicates you have audited a class. When you audit,you can attend class and participate in class activities, but you donot receive academic credit. You may audit a course by receiving thewritten permission of the instructor and approval of your dean onan audit form. This form must be returned to the Registrar’s Officeduring the first week of the semester. You must schedule and pay theregular fee for any courses you audit, and you may not receive creditor a grade for these courses at a later date.W grades indicate courses from which you withdrew. Furtherinformation may be found in the section Withdrawal from a Class.Academic Progress and StandingYour progress in each class is regularly evaluated by the courseinstructor. Instructors schedule office hours to allow you to conferregarding academic achievements or particular problems with coursework. At the end of each semester a final grade is recorded on yourpermanent record for each course taken.Full-Time StatusNine credit hours per semester is considered a full-time load for agraduate student, with 15 credit hours as the maximum for which afull-time graduate student may register per semester. Students takingless than 9 credit hours are considered part-time.Issuance of GradesIn accordance with the Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct, commonly known as the Buckley Amendment, students areprovided with privacy safeguards of their educational records. Theuniversity issues reports of progress including grades, written evaluations,and letters of warning directly to the student. You may haveaccess to all information pertaining to your educational records andacademic status. At the end of the semester, grades will be posted onthe university’s secure student portal.Grade Appeals(I) Introduction – A graduate student contemplating filing a gradeappeal understands that consistent with the practice of academicfreedom, faculty bear responsibility for assigning course grades inaccordance with professionally acceptable standards which havepreviously been communicated to students verbally or in writing.At the same time, students have the right to ensure grades arecalculated accurately and consistently, fairly and equitably, andwithout discrimination.Note: Any grade appeals or grade change requests initiatedon the basis of alleged academic dishonesty shall be handledunder the procedures set forth for academic dishonestydiscussed later in this chapter.(II) Basis for Appealing a Final Course Grade – <strong>Graduate</strong> studentsmay appeal a final course grade assigned to them by an instructorbased on one of three conditions:A. The course instructor miscalculated the final course grade.B. The course instructor committed an oversight in calculatingthe final course grade.C. The course instructor acted in an arbitrary and/or capriciousmanner in assigning grades to the student, including the finalcourse grade to the student.A discriminatory, arbitrary, and/or capricious manner in assigninggrades is defined as follows:1. The instructor assigned a course grade to a student onsome basis other than performance in the course;2. The instructor assigned a course grade to a student byresorting to unreasonable standards different from thosewhich were applied to other students in that course; or3. The instructor assigned a course grade to a student in amanner that represented a substantial, unreasonable, andunannounced departure from the instructor’s previouslyarticulated standards.(III) Selection and Composition of the Academic AppealsCommitteeA. Composition of the Academic Appeals Committee – TheAcademic Appeals Committee of the department or programshall consist of a minimum of three regular tenure track facultymembers in the department or program (excluding thedepartment chairperson or program director) and an equalnumber of students who are majors in the program, witha faculty member and student serving as co-chairs. In theevent a faculty or student member of the Academic AppealsCommittee is a party in a grade appeal an alternate previouslyselected shall serve in his or her place.B. Selection of Academic Appeals Committee Members – Withinthe first week of the fall semester, each academic departmentor program shall elect at least three faculty members and onefaculty member alternate to serve on the Academic AppealsCommittee for the academic year and designate three graduatestudents and one graduate alternate enrolled in the academicprogram to serve on the Academic Appeals Committee.Each academic department or program shall develop a standardprocess for selecting student members for the AcademicAppeals Committee. By the end of the first full week of thefall semester, the names of the faculty and student membersof the Academic Appeals Committee and alternates selectedfor each academic year shall then be forwarded to the graduatedean’s office. In the event a program lacks sufficient faculty tostaff the Academic Appeals Committee and provide a facultyalternate member it shall notify the dean of the college inwhich the program is located. The dean’s office shall provideassistance in identifying a suitable pool of faculty from the collegeto staff the Academic Appeals Committee and provide analternate member for the committee if the need should arise.(IV) Timetable and Procedures for the Grade Appeal Process –Compliance with all timelines set forth in this policy is required.A student may initiate a grade appeal any time after receiving afinal grade in a course. Grade appeals, however, cannot be initiatedafter thirty (30) calendar days following the onset of the nextregular (fall or spring) academic semester. Should the deadline forcompleting a step in the grade appeal process set forth below fallon a day that the university is not open for business that deadlineshall be moved to the next date the university is open for business.17

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