Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University


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<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>History and Philosophy DepartmentSteven Burg, Ph.D., Chair (477-1265)Kwabena Akurang-Parry, Ph.D.Douglas Birsch, Ph.D.John D. Bloom, Ph.D.Catherine Clay, Ph.D.Betty A. Dessants, Ph.D.Allen Dieterich-Ward, Ph.D.James Edwards, Ph.D.David F. Godshalk, Ph.D.Kim Klein, Ph.D.Chandrika Paul, Ph.D.Gretchen Pierce, Ph.D.John Quist, Ph.D.Susan Rimby, Ph.D.Christine Senecal, Ph.D.Robert Shaffer, Ph.D.Jonathan Skaff, Ph.D.Mark E. Spicka, Ph.D.Allan A. Tulchin, Ph.D.Brian Ulrich, Ph.D.Applied History (M.A.)<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s graduate program in Applied Historyis designed for college graduates seeking advanced historical trainingand educators seeking professional development opportunities. Forthose seeking careers in the field of public history, the program offerscourse work and professional internships to prepare students foremployment in museums and historical institutions. Educators willfind a diverse array of courses in United States history, world history,and historical methods that will deepen their historical knowledgeand provide new resources for classroom use. (All courses can be usedto help satisfy Pennsylvania’s Act 48 requirements.) The curriculumprovides a rigorous historical training that can also prepare studentsfor further graduate work in history or library studies. Recent graduateshave secured teaching positions at community colleges, obtainedresearch and editorial positions in both public and private sector,and started public history careers with organizations such as HistoryAssociates Incorporated, the U.S. Army Heritage and EducationCenter, the U.S. Army Military History Institute, and the NationalPark Service.Admission RequirementsTo be eligible to pursue a Master of Arts degree in applied history,you must:• Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college oruniversity.• Present an official transcript showing at least a 2.75 cumulativequality point average for your undergraduate studies.If you have less than a 2.75 cumulative undergraduate qualitypoint average, you may be accepted following an interview and thesubmission of a 500-word Statement of Purpose in which you provideadditional evidence of your interest in history, your potential as agraduate student, and your reasons for pursuing graduate studies.Degree RequirementsThe degree can be earned in approximately one and one-half yearsof full-time study or several years of part-time study. To be awarded aMaster of Arts degree in applied history, you must complete a minimumof 30 hours of graduate work distributed as follows:REQUIRED COURSES (12 crs.)HIS600 Computerized Historical Research MethodsorHIS601 Research in Local and Regional HistoryandHIS501 Introduction to Applied History3 crs.3 crs.3 crs.andHIS609 and 610 Internship I and II6 crs.orHIS612 and 613 Thesis I and II6 crs.orEDU495 Student Teaching6 crs.This option is only available to students pursuing both theMaster’s in Applied History and Teachers Certification.RESTRICTED ELECTIVES (9 crs.)Chosen within the following fields:I. History of the Americas (3 crs.)HIS402 Revolutionary AmericaHIS428 Issues in the Gilded Age and Progressive EraHIS430 U.S. Cultural HistoryHIS490 Selected Topics*HIS513 Seminar in U.S. Women’s HistoryHIS515 Seminar in 20th Century U.S. Social HistoryHIS516 Seminar in African-American HistoryHIS519 Seminar in International RelationsHIS525 Seminar in U.S. Regional HistoryHIS526 Seminar in Civil War EraHIS594 Selected Topic*HIS599 Readings in History*HIS601 Research in Local and Regional History (if not used tosatisfy the research requirement)*with advisementII. Global Connections and Comparisons (3 crs.)HIS407 Women in Comparative PerspectiveHIS410 The Islamic WorldHIS421 Studies in 19th Century European HistoryHIS423 Issues in 20th Century EuropeHIS454 China and the Outside WorldHIS490 Selected Topics*HIS499 HistoriographyHIS501 Introduction to Applied History (if not used to satisfy theresearch requirement.)HIS512 Seminar in Comparative Labor HistoryHIS514 Population in HistoryHIS519 Seminar in International RelationsHIS532 20th Century EuropeHIS534 Seminar in Modern German HistoryHIS535 Seminar in Medieval StudiesHIS558 Seminar in East Asia and the Modern WorldHIS562 Seminar in African HistoryHIS594 Selected Topic*HIS599 Readings in History**with advisementIII. Applied History Skills (3 crs.)HIS505 Advanced Topics in Public HistoryHIS433 Oral HistoryHIS502 Introduction to ArchivesHISTORY ELECTIVES (9 crs.)Any course not used to satisfy Restricted ElectivesINTERDISCIPLINARY ELECTIVESWith permission of their graduate advisor and the department chair,students may substitute up to two graduate courses (6 crs.) for theirhistory electives. These courses should come from other <strong>Shippensburg</strong><strong>University</strong> departments and help students to fulfill their personalinterests and professional objectives.42

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