Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University


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Courses of InstructionENG517 Seminar in World Literature (3 crs.)Provides in-service teachers and certification students with advancedstudy of literature in a global context. Course may focus on an specificnational and/or regional literature (e.g. Indian fiction, Central Americanpoetry), a transnational movement (e.g. postcolonialsism, surrealism),a genre in global contexts (e.g. drama in Europe, poetry of theblack Atlantic), a historical period (e.g. European literature of the finde siecle, 20th century African novel), and/or a thematic concern.ENG518 Seminar in Multicultural Literature (3 crs.)Provides in-service teachers and certification students with advancedstudy of American literature in a multicultural context. At least twohistorically under-represented social groups will be represented by theauthors studied. Course may focus on a genre (e.g. minority Americanpoetry), a historical period (e.g. minority American literature inthe postbellum, Native American and Chicano poetry of the Vietnamera), and/or a thematic concern. Helps teachers understand currentcritical and theoretical approaches to the cultural diversity of Americanliterature. Specific topic will vary according to instructor.ENG525 Seminar in Teaching English/language Arts (3 crs.)Provides in-service teachers and certification students with currentresearch and methodology for teaching the English/language arts.Course gives students the opportunity to explore topics such as thestudent-centered literature class, theories of the reader-responsecriticism as they apply to the classroom, incarnations of the writingprocess, reading/writing workshop, trends in assessment, technologyin the English classroom, and other subjects as appropriate.ENG530 Seminar in Creative Writing (3 crs.)For graduate students who wish to develop their skills in writingoriginal fiction, poetry, or drama, taught on a workshop basis. Studentspresent in-progress portions of their work in class and take partin critical discussion based on the presentations of others. Whereasthe emphasis is upon the production of substantial work in any oneof these genres, the instructor makes directed reading assignments.Fiction writers should expect to complete at least two short stories ora novel chapter; poets should expect to complete a portfolio of at least12 pages of poetry; playwrights should expect to complete two oneactplays or a full-length (three or more acts) play.Finance (FIN)FIN405 Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Analysis (3 crs.)Basic course in real estate appraisal stressing techniques of appraisal,investment analysis, and the valuation theory underlying these methodologies.Practical application in appraising part of course. Prerequisite:FIN311 or permission of department chair.FIN414 Bank Management (3 crs.)Deals with the regulatory and managerial environment within whichthe bank manager operates. Concerned with the regulatory frameworkwhich controls the balance sheet policies of a bank as well asbranching and merger activity. Other selected advanced topics ofbank management, such as the management of deposits and capitaladequacy, the bank’s balance sheet, assets, and liquidity, are addressed.Prerequisite: FIN314 or permission of department chair.FIN421 Personal Financial Planning (3 crs.)Addresses various aspects of personal financial planning. Includes thefinancial planning process, personal financial statements, cash flowand debt management, analysis of insurance needs, investment planning,as well as estate, retirement, and income tax planning. Designedto apply and integrate the above knowledge into a cohesive personalfinancial plan. Prerequisites: FIN312 and FIN320.FIN425 Global Financial Management (3 crs.)Studies the international environment, the foreign exchange riskmanagement, the investment decision, the financing decision, andmanagement of ongoing business operations in global settings.Emphasis on the analysis and evaluation of the investment decision,financial decision, and operational and financial risk in foreign countries.Prerequisites: FIN311 and SCM200 or permission of departmentchair.FIN434,435 Investment Management Program (1-3 crs.)Students manage a real money security portfolio to obtain practicalinvesting experience. Students establish investment philosophy,investment objectives and policies, identify investment strategies, andpresent recommendations for buying and selling investment securitiestoward the goal of constructing and managing a real portfolio.Prerequisites: FIN333 and departmental approval.FIN442 Derivatives Markets (3 crs.)Broad overview of different types of financial derivatives (forwards,futures, options, options on futures, and swaps), while focusing on theprinciples that determine market prices. To integrate the understandingof these instruments, the discussion emphasizes the relationshipsamong futures, options, and swaps. Emphasizes the application offinancial derivatives as risk management tools, not as instruments ofspeculation. Prerequisite: FIN312 or permission of department chair.FIN490 Selected Topics in Finance (1-3 crs.)Opportunity to offer courses in areas of departmental major interestnot covered by the regular courses.French (FRN)FRN400 Seminar: Advanced Studies in French Language andLiterature (3 crs.)Detailed examination of specific aspects of French literature authors,genres, literary and philosophic schools, or linguistic problems suchas translation and dialects. Seminar may be taken more than onceprovided a specific topic is not repeated. Prerequisite: permission ofinstructor.FRN410 Theory and Practice of Translation (3 crs.)Introduces various types and tools of oral and written translationand provides extensive practice in French-to-English translating inprofessional contexts (business, education, criminal justice, medicine,computer science, international relations and political science) and intranslating works of literature. Emphasis will be given to discussionof translation problems, recognition of appropriate solutions, and theuse of specific translation strategies in French-to-English translation.Prerequisites: FRN309 and FRN316.FRN490 Selected Topics (3 crs.)FRN510 French Theater (3 crs.)Intends to help in understanding the complexity of the theater inthe French speaking throughout the centuries. In a multidisciplinaryapproach, studies the importance of this literary form, its stature,and the social influences that have impacted it. Students analyze theliterary importance of the texts and their political, historical, andsociological impact on the respective cultures that produced them.Films will be included. Taught in French.FRN515 French Poetry (3 crs.)Intends to help in understanding the complexity of poetry in theFrench speaking throughout the centuries. In a multidisciplinaryapproach, studies the importance of this literary form, its stature,and the social influences that have impacted it. Students analyze theliterary importance of the texts and their political, historical, andsociological impact on the respective cultures that produced them.Films will be included. Taught in French.91

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