Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University

Graduate Catalog - Shippensburg University


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<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>Science Education (M.A.T. with TeacherCertification)The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Science Education isdesigned for professionals and recent college graduates who alreadyhold a degree in a scientific discipline and who wish to teach sciencein either a middle school or high school. Completion of the programwill result in both a master’s degree and teacher certification throughthe Pennsylvania Department of Education (approval pending).Students will complete a sequence of seven courses to teachresearch-based principles of safe and effective science instruction aswell as a twelve-week student teaching practicum. Students will alsocomplete and present a research project and comprehensive teachingportfolio.Program DeliveryThe 30-credit M.A.T. is designed to meet the needs of workingprofessionals and can be completed in 18 months. Cohorts of 10-15students will complete a sequence of six modules using a combinationof monthly face-to-face meetings at the Dixon <strong>University</strong> Center inHarrisburg, online interactions, and video conferencing. Each modulewill be three credit hours. At the beginning of the program, studentswill be assigned an experienced science teacher in a local school as amentor and approximately 25 hours of observation and co-teachingper module will be required.During the 12-week student teaching practicum (12 crs.), studentswill implement principles from the modules and assume responsibilitiesfor planning, instruction, and assessment. Two capstone projects,a professional portfolio and the results of a research project, will bepresented at the end of the program.The sequence for completing the M.A.T. is as follows:• One module during the first summer. (3 crs.)• Four modules during the first academic year. (12 crs.)• One module during the second summer (3 crs.)• Student teaching during the fall semester of second academicyear. (12 crs.)• Presentation of professional portfolio and research project duringDecember of fall semester of second academic year.• Assistance with job placement during the spring semester ofthe second academic year.M.A.T. Admission Requirements• Bachelor’s degree in a scientific discipline from a regionallyaccredited institution.• Official undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcriptssent to <strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>.• Completed application including a statement of intent summarizingtheir motivations and goals for entering the teachingprofession.• Two letters of recommendation.• Passing scores on two teacher certification exams required bythe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Praxis I Pre-ProfessionalSkills Test and Praxis II Subject Assessment. More informationcan be found at the Educational Testing Services website(www.ets.org). Applicants may be conditionally admitted ifPraxis scores are pending.The M.A.T. is designed for students who already have contentexpertise in a scientific discipline that is consistent with one ormore of the secondary (grades 7-12) licensure areas in Pennsylvania:biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, environmentalscience, and general science. Applicants may also pursue MiddleLevel (grades 4-8) certification. The M.A.T. directors will revieweach applicant’s transcripts and Praxis examination scores as part ofthe admissions process. Applicants are encouraged to register for thePraxis examinations as soon as possible to ensure that scores are availableby the application deadline. Final M.A.T. program admission iscontingent upon passing the Praxis examinations.Program Core (30 crs.)SCED510 Foundations of Science Education in the (3 crs.)United StatesSCED520 Research and Contemporary Issues in ScienceEducation(3 crs.)SCED530 Instructional Strategies and Technology in (3 crs.)Science EducationSCED540 Assessment in Science Education (3 crs.)SCED550 Safety and Welfare in Science Education (3 crs.)SCED560 Accommodating all Students in Science (3 crs.)TeachingSCED590 Student Teaching and Science Education (12 crs.)PracticumProgram StaffCarolyn M. Callaghan, Assistant Dean, PCDE, 717-477-1502,cmcallaghan@ship.eduJoe Shane, Associate Professor, Chemistry, 717-477-1572, jwshan@ship.eduFacultyJoseph W. Shane, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (ScienceEducation). Former high school chemistry teacher who currentlyteaches university-level chemistry and science-specific educationcourses for pre-service teachers.Christine Anne Royce, Ed.D., Curriculum, Instruction, and TechnologyEducation (Science Education). Currently serves as thechairperson of the Department of Teacher Education who has anextensive background in middle and high school science instructionand administration.David F. Bateman, Ph.D., Special Education (Law and Policy).Twenty years experience with teaching special education courses,working directly with schools and teachers, policymakers.Cancellation Policy<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong> reserves the right to cancel any coursesdue to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances.For More InformationOffice of Professional, Continuing, and Distance Education Studies717-477-1502, extended@ship.edu, ship.edu/SciEd.64

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