qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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Search through SourcesYou’ll find a variety of lists available that nametypes of business opportunities you couldconsider for a home-based business: Here aresome examples:Canada/<strong>BC</strong> <strong>Business</strong> Service Centrewww.smallbusinessbc.ca/workshop/workshop.htmlProvides an on-line small business workshopwith details of forty business concepts inSession OneCanada WorkInfoNetwww.workinfonet.caProvides career and labour market informationincluding entrepreneurial adviceKauffman Centre EntreWorldwww.EntreWorld.orgProvides articles, information and links to othersitesAlso check out the business section in your locallibrary or bookstore. Several publishers, such asSelf-Counsel Press in Canada or McGraw-Hill inthe USA, provide series of business start-upguides, tailored to starting a specific business.Usually, these include sample business plans andcomplete instructions on how to set-up thebusiness from scratch.Appendix D also provides a list of some commontypes of home-based businesses.Emphasis on qualityLarry Easto, author of How to Succeed in YourHome <strong>Business</strong>, says:For the most part, the home businessenvironment is free of the factors that makequality service so difficult for largeorganizations.I became acutely aware of this after I left themajor professional services firm for which I hadbeen working. While with the firm, the decisionwhether I should accept specific consultingassignments was guided by considerations suchas: How important is this client to the firm (ormore likely my supervisor and his career plan)?How much revenue is this client likely tocontribute this month? This year? and Whatother business could this client refer to our firm?Operating my business from my home office, theconsiderations became: What does this clientneed, want and expect from me? Do I have theresources to profitably meet these needs andwants? And What is the client willing to pay forthis service?Because corporate agendas and supervisor’scareer plans no longer exist for home businessowners, they cease to be obstacles to qualityclient services.Explore Several IdeasProspective entrepreneurs often make the mistakeof narrowing their choices too quickly, startingthe first business that comes to mind.If you think you already have a good idea fora business, don’t rush. Slow down a moment toevaluate the strengths of your idea. Compare itagainst other ideas.16solutions for small business home-based business

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