qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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6Can You Manage the<strong>Business</strong>?Suburbia StudiosBy Marianne ScottThe kitchen table is an integral part of SuburbiaStudios in Tovey Bay on the outskirts of Victoria.About $1.5 million per year is billed from thattable by owners Mary-Lynn and Russ WillmsThe kitchen table wasn’t always part of the officefurniture. Russ quit his position as a busy artdirector so he could play Mr. Mom and take careof their two youngsters. Mary-Lynn joined himsix months later, leaving a high-powered accountmanager job when her mother was diagnosedwith cancer. “Family values are a big part of ourdecision-making and we wanted more time,”explains Mary-Lynn.Since then Suburbia Studios has grown into anadvertising studio that develops print materials,illustration, Web sites and multimedia software.The firm has won more than 300 designexcellence awards, yet remains “faraway fromthe high-pressure corporate world,” explainsRuss. When their two sons come home fromschool, the parents take time off and finish worklater at night when the kids are asleep.Those values match their corporate image. “Wehave soft hearts, broad smiles and bigshoulders,” says their brochure. Mary-Lynnexplains, “We treat a client’s budget asinvestment money. We involve clients closely andreally work to capture what they’re trying to do.Take going on-line. We ask ask our clientswhether a Web site will be truly useful or justtrendy. How will being on the Web help? A site’ssuccess is due to advance planning and comingup with a strategy. It must meet marketingobjectives and not just ‘be there.’ Bad sites domore harm than good.”Suburbia Studios itself is an advanced operation.Five to seven people work out of the house whileothers are linked electronically. Additionalphotographers, other illustrators, writers,software specialists and translators work oncontract or project partnership.Ironically, success may force the company toleave the home for a larger location. “Every fewmonths we revisit that question,” sighs Mary-Lynn, looking wistfully out at the ocean from herkitchen window.Managing is more than just coping. It also meansmore than just keeping the business runningalong smoothly. Not everything is predictable.Unexpected changes happen often. The bestplans are unable to anticipate the future. That’swhere a manager comes in. In this final chapter,we’ll examine some of the key challenges ofmanaging a home-based business.Pace YourselfLet’s start by looking at the first person in ahome-based business – that’s you! How you onhow successful your business becomes. Duringthe start- up phase of a business, you can expectto be busy – even frantic. How you pace yourday to avoid burn-out will be important.86solutions for small business home-based business

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