qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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service information. Such newsletters aredesigned to provide a service to the market andpromote loyalty as much as to directly makesales. Advertising in these or writing a shortcolumn of useful tips can help get you in touchwith a specific market. Depending on yourbusiness and your customers, you may want toconsider producing a newsletter of your own.Electronic versions of newsletters can beproduced and sent out on-line. They can behoused in a Website and served to anyone whorequests them from a menu at the site. Theproduction of the newsletter can follow templatesavailable in various word-processing or desktoppublishingsoftware.Design a Promotion StrategyBecause promotion is often used as a generalterm to include all means of getting a product orservice known and purchased by customers, aseparate promotion strategy is sometimesconsidered. A promotion strategy answers thesequestions, and may be included as a separate partof a business plan:• How will you get word about your product orservice out to the people most likely to buy it?• How will you inform, persuade and influencepotential buyers?• What type of advertising and publicity will youdo?• How and where will your product or service besold, and why does that encourage customersand sales?• How will you stimulate people’s interest inyour product or service, and increase theirneed and demand for it?A Marketing PackageMost businesses need a varied marketingpackage. One piece of information usually isn’tenough. Some marketing strategies leave a trailof brochures, business cards, samples and tipsheets. What you need in your “marketing toolkit”depends on what you’re selling and on yourcustomers:• a catalogue, or catalogue sheets• a book or collection of samples, photographs,and drawings• product or service information sheets• a video showing your work or the type ofproblems you solve• testimonial letters or statements from satisfiedcustomers and clients• business cards• pamphlets or brochures• sheets of tips, information about using theproduct or service• copies of articles published about the productor service• outline of a telephone follow-up in a directmail campaign• “how-to” follow-up directions for interestedcontacts• copies of Web pages downloaded from yourWeb site.The marketing tool-kit or marketing package canbe part of the business reference manual. Clearplastic protector envelopes will keep marketingsheets looking professional. A display packagemay need to be stored in a carrying case orportfolio for protection and transport.• How will you use sales and current customersin positive promotion?solutions for small business home-based business 51

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