qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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consumer try a new product or a different brand.For example, service stations use glassware, icescrapers and beach balls to convince newconsumers to buy their brand.ContestsSubstantial cash or merchandise prizes areoffered by firms to attract additional customers.In recent years, the public’s appetite for gamblinghas increased the use of this method of grabbingthe buyer’s attention.DemonstrationsThe in-store and at-the-show promotions ofconsumer goods is a common example of thistype of promotion. It needs to be done ata time and place closely associated with theactual decision to buy (such as having guestartists at work at a craft fair).Turn Publicity to AdvantageOpportunities for publicity come in many forms,sometimes only limited by human ingenuity andnerve. While this area generally does not havethe same expenses as advertising and promotionit is not entirely cost-free.It includes the expense of time required to createand submit publicity releases, printing andmailing, and other related items.Testimonial LettersThey work because they give credibility. Peoplewho are happy with your product or service areone of your best marketing supports. Be sure tokeep all such comments and letters. Sincecustomers may not always volunteer these letters,consider asking for them, and always askcustomer permission to use testimonial letters.Free PublicitySome other areas to consider include:• Looking for ways to trade your product orservice for free advertising or publicity.• Arranging mutual marketing with anotherproduct or service, especially one that is usedwith yours or complements yours.• Responding to issues and current news topicswith letters to the editor as an expert orcommunity resource.• Offering free demonstrations or workshops andpublicize them on free community bulletinboards and calendars in local newspapers,radio and TV.• Starting an information file of events heldannually (such as Secretaries Week or Father’sDay)• Writing media releases and issue themregularly. Media releases follow a standardformat which you can find in a publicity kit.Word of MouthThe best possible promotion is the satisfiedcomments your customers make to people theyknow. Provide a good product or service, at a fairprice, and support it after sales are made – thegood word will soon spread.Ask satisfied customers to tell their friendsand where appropriate, ask them for namesof people who they think would appreciatehearing about your business.NewslettersSome businesses produce newsletters for theircustomers. These are often done in-house,and may not be slick publications. <strong>Business</strong>newsletters might include updates on thebusiness, news about the industry, or product and50solutions for small business home-based business

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