qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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emarkably, and, perhaps the main benefit, thesize of the phone set itself has become sleek andslim, fitting into a wallet or purse easily.The best advice on buying and using a cellularphone is to ensure that all the features you arepaying for are really beneficial to your businessneeds and not simply gizmos. You should alsoevaluate the service contract you have with thesupplier. Comparison shopping here can revealbig differences.friendly tape on a machine. Choose youranswering service carefully, and regularly callyour own number to check for courtesy andaccuracy.Using a voicemail system has replaced answeringmachines in modern offices.These avoid the problems of tapes runningor the machines malfunctioning. Telephonecompanies offer voicemail features for asmall charge per month.PagersThese rather old-fashioned devices have actuallyremained extremely effective as ways of stayingin touch with the office when on a job or anerrand. They are much less expensive to buy oroperate than cell phones, and because they oftenslip onto a belt or a shoulder strap, they arefunctional for people who frequently workoutdoors. Pagers come in three kinds: beepers,numerics and alphanumerics.Voicemail and Answering SystemsMany people don’t like recorded messages andtelephone answering machines, but these havebecome a feature of modern communication. Thebest kind of message for a home-based businessmachine is simple, short and to-the-point. Makesure you buy a machine thatis voice activated so that clients can leave amessage without the frustration of beingcut off.Answering services are more expensive thanmachines, but as you consider your situation,costs and options, keep your customers in mind.Would a real person answering the phone make adifference? If you agree, remember that a rudeand abrupt living voice may be worse than aPersonal computerIf you haven’t used a computer before in yourbusiness, you should quickly enrol in anintensive, short course on the basics beforeyou make any computer-related purchases. Theinstructor will be able to help you make gooddecisions about an up-to-date system includingthe types of business software programs whichwill fit your business needs. However, avoidtaking too many classes.Most people learn to use computer programs on adaily basis in their work by having other peopleshow them how to use a particular feature. Theymay also contract the specialized work to otherprofessionals – such as accountants or desk-topdesigners.Areas in which a computer can make asignificant difference to a home-basedbusiness are:• computerizing repetitive clerical tasks• keeping track of expenses and income,including personal money used to coverbusiness expenses• improving management procedures, customerservices and delivery, especially in terms oftiming and efficiency.60solutions for small business home-based business

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