qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC

qprev_HBB Manual 2.qxd - Small Business BC


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intended customers. A number of factors thatcustomers often look for include:• Price (cheapest price, fair price, price forquality, etc.)• Assortment• Parking• Service• Sales personnel• Quality• Fashion• Convenience• Location• AtmosphereYour overall position should emphasize thoseareas that your customers value most, and thosewhich make you different from your competition.Sources of informationThere are several different methods for obtainingboth primary and secondary information. Theseinclude:Primary• questionnaires• talk with customers• interviews• focus groups• contact with suppliers• information on competitors• observe competitors• talk with distributors, retailers, agents, brokers• consultants, advisors, mentors• hire students to complete a survey for youSecondaryPublished Material• census reports (Statistics Canada)• Internet Web sites• electronic databases• trade magazines and journals• newspapers and clipping services• libraries and resource centers• books on the industry• published reports and studiesContacts• industry and trade associations• Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade• local business information centers.How to do a test market survey1. Take a sample of your product or adescription of your services to at least20 people, the more the better. Don’t includefamily or friends in your survey. Instead, takethe sample to people who will be objectiveand who won’t say things just to make youhappy.2. What are their first reactions? If most of themrespond positively, you’re probablyon the right track.3. Interview or survey the people in your sampleto get the information you need. Ask the samequestions in the same way to all the peopleyou interview – this makes your surveyresults more reliable. The kinds of questionsto ask are:• Would you definitely, maybe, or not buy thisproduct/service?• Would you be more likely to buy it if somethingabout it was changed?38solutions for small business home-based business

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