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Superyacht-Cocktail undYacht-Torera: An Ideenmangelte es nicht // Asuperyacht cocktail or theyacht torera: there hasbeen no shortage of ideasHow did this translate into an image campaign for Pantaenius,the world’s leading specialist for yacht insurance? Mainly dueto a special kind of entrepreneurial thinking that seems to bethe basis of the business – and which has now also manifesteditself in the second generation of the company’s founding family.When Harald Baum took over the insurance broker Pantaeniusback in 1970, he soon made his breakthrough on theyacht insurance market with bold and courageous thinkingthat could even be called visionary. The yacht insurance termshe created were different, and they revolutionised the businessto the advantage of customers, who soon came to Pantaenius inever increasing numbers. Today, 42 years later, things are verysimilar. We are now talking about an advertising campaign forsuperyachts initiated by Martin Baum, the managing directorof Pantaenius’ International Yacht Group – a campaign that isbold, spectacular and successful. It is much more than »just«an advertising campaign.What happened? Pantaenius were looking for a campaignwith a coherent line and imagery that would give it a uniquecharacter and instant brand recognition. Martin Baum, who isan ambitious amateur photographer, said: »It is a major challengeto be noticed in today’s mass of images. We rose to thischallenge and looked for something special that went beyondthe surface.«He then remembered a motif created by artist Hinnerk Bodendieckin the 1990s showing a luxury yacht in fantastic surroundings,painted in bright colours. The artist Bodendieckwas not unknown to the Baum family: »My father started buyinghis works very early, when he was not as well known as he istoday, and he also commissioned images. He was like a patron.Everyone in the family loves Hinnerk’s style of painting.«»Hinnerk is an artist, a full-blooded artist, and workingtogether with someone like him is not always easy,« saysMartin Baum: »It is Hinnerk’s way or the highway!« Trueto this, the campaign nearly foundered more than once. Thebasic artistic idea struck him immediately, as Bodendieck says:»It had to be about beautiful women and fantastic yachts,about the female side of yachting.« In a different context, hehad already developed Pantaenia for Harald Baum, a protectivegoddess similar to the allegoric tutelary goddesses of theWilhelmine period. With the momentum of this thought, hedeveloped the first new motifs in just a week. These delightedthe client Pantaenius on one hand, but also left some doubts:would this not startle their customers too much? The campaignwas then saved by the clear vision of the two main actors.Hinnerk Bodendieck said: »I will do it like this or not atall. If you want something else, then find someone else to doit – I can only work well if I believe in what I am doing, if Ican work with enthusiasm and passion.« After initial qualms,Martin Baum gave him more or less carte blanche. »I realisedthis campaign here in the company myself, and I simplywanted something completely new. In the end I also trustedHinnerk. It was of course good for the artist that he could re-main true to himself. The result is a style and an elegance thatfit perfectly with our brand!« read more39

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