X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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The military always have to move personnel around at short notice. For this purpose theyoften employ freelance pilots. These passengers usually carry weapons and other goods andtheir destinations might be dangerousMining EquipmentMining Equipment, produced by the Galactic Mining Authority, is used to repair or replaceequipment on asteroid mines. The equipment ranges from the standard mining drill toadvanced laser equipment.NarcoticsNarcotics are used widely within the pirate community. These drugs alter the person'sperceptions and brain functions. Unfortunately these effects cannot be controlled and thenarcotics can usually result in unwanted side effects and in some cases death.NividiumNividium is a rare mineral that is found in some larger asteroid fields located in the universe.Its use is limited, although it has been used as a superconductor. Nividium in its purest form istraded as a unique and valuable commodity.Nostrop OilNostrop or Teladian sun oil is the main Teladi food product. It is mixed with various spicesand sold in different flavours. The Teladi produce and mix it in so-called Sun Oil Refineriesbased on sunflowers.OreOre is the most common mineral throughout the whole known universe. It is used in theproduction process of almost all technical goods. Ore is produced in Ore Mines which arebuilt on suitably mineral-rich asteroids.PassengersAll races have access to commercial spacecraft; these ships can take large groups ofpassengers to space stations or to other planets or systems.Pirate SidearmsUnlike the military issue hand weapons, these Pirate sidearms have been declared illegal bymost races. They are popular amongst Pirates as they are very effective at short range andeven minor wounds can be fatal. The favoured pirate sidearm is the rare IMB-42 Blasterwhich literally rips the molecular structure of a living organism apart. Transporting and owningthese weapons is a capital offence in some sectors.PlanktonBoron plankton is found as a scum like surface that floats on the surface of the chemicalswamps on Planet Boron. It is produced naturally from certain chemical reactions that arefound in the swamp mixing with the ammonia-based air. This scum is collected and thentreated with additives and other Boron minerals to produce a wide range of different, andnutritious spices. Since the Boron seas are now completely protected from any industrialusage, Plankton is mainly produced on huge Plankton Space Farms everywhere in the BoronKingdom.83Quantum TubesQuantum Tubes, also called Planck Tubes, are used inside the engines and controls of manyof the larger transporter ships and destroyers. The manufacture of Planck Tubes is bothcostly and complex, making Quantum Tubes one of the most expensive trading goods.Radioactive WasteRadioactive waste is a by-product of weapon production, especially the Hornet Missile. Untilrecently the only way to dispose of the waste was to dump it in disused silicon mines. TheBoron have discovered a micro-organism in the sector Light Water that digests the harmfulwaste and excretes an inert material. How this useful radiation-resistant organism evolved isunknown.

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