Student Handbook - Asian University for Women

Student Handbook - Asian University for Women

Student Handbook - Asian University for Women


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Academic Policies and ProceduresIf the evaluation results in a determination that the student’s continued attendance presents no significantrisk to the health or safety of the student or others, and no significant threat to property, to the lawfulactivities of others, or to the educational processes and orderly operations of the <strong>University</strong>, no furtheraction shall be taken to withdraw the student from the <strong>University</strong>.If the evaluation results in a determination that the continued attendance of the student presents asignificant risk to the health or safety of the student or others, such that there is a high probability ofsubstantial harm, or a significant threat to property, to the lawful activities of others, or to the educationalprocesses and orderly operations of the <strong>University</strong>, the student may be involuntarily withdrawn from the<strong>University</strong>. In such an event, the student shall be in<strong>for</strong>med in writing by the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s of theinvoluntary withdrawal, of her right to an in<strong>for</strong>mal hearing, of her right to appeal the decision of thehearing board 9 , and of any conditions necessary <strong>for</strong> re-enrollment. In most cases, a student who isinvoluntarily withdrawn will be given a grade of W in all courses in which she is currently enrolled.In<strong>for</strong>mal HearingA student who has been involuntarily withdrawn may request an in<strong>for</strong>mal hearing be<strong>for</strong>e a hearing boardby submitting a written request to be heard within two business days from receipt of the notice ofinvoluntary withdrawal. A hearing will be set as soon as possible. The student shall remain involuntarilysuspended pending completion of the hearing.The hearing shall be in<strong>for</strong>mal and non-adversarial. During the hearing, the student may present relevantin<strong>for</strong>mation and may be advised and supported by another student.At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing board shall decide whether to uphold the involuntarywithdrawal or whether to re-consider, and the student shall be provided written notice of the hearingofficer’s decision as soon as possible.Appeal to the DeanThe student may appeal the hearing board’s decision to the relevant dean in the Undergraduate Program(Access Academy students should appeal to the Director of the Access Academy). The Dean shall reviewall in<strong>for</strong>mation presented and make a final decision as to whether or not to uphold the involuntarywithdrawal.Emergency SuspensionThe <strong>University</strong> may take emergency action to suspend a student pending a final decision on whether thestudent will be involuntarily withdrawn, in situations in which:there is imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others,there is imminent danger of significant property damage,the student is unable or unwilling to meet with the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s and the Resident Faculty,the student refuses to complete the mandatory evaluation, orthe Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s and the Resident Faculty, after conferring with the Vice Chancellor,determine that other exceptional circumstances exist to warrant suspension.9 The hearing board shall consist of the student’s faculty advisor, the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s, and the Resident Faculty25

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