Student Handbook - Asian University for Women

Student Handbook - Asian University for Women

Student Handbook - Asian University for Women


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<strong>University</strong> Policies<strong>Student</strong>s are prohibited from theft or the unauthorized possession of the property of another.Anyone found to have stolen from the <strong>University</strong> or from those working and residing within theAUW premises will be subject to disciplinary procedures, including suspension or expulsion.25. House SystemAUW has seven Residential Houses: Courage, Imagination, Joy, Justice, Service, Truth, andWisdom. The AUW community adopted these names as the qualities that the community hopewill come to be recognized as hallmarks of the AUW students. In addition, these houses serve asa framework <strong>for</strong> programming and intramural sports.House CaptainsHouse Captains play a vital role in building the AUW community. They will work closely withthe dorm-mates to build their unique House spirit, in addition to maintaining and promoting apositive living environment <strong>for</strong> all the students.House Captain’s Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe House Captains are responsible <strong>for</strong> maintaining a positive dorm environment, being available<strong>for</strong> dormmates, supervising common space, and en<strong>for</strong>cing common space rules and regulations,and much more.Below is a complete list of the House Captain’s commitment, roles, and responsibilities.1) Community Developmenta. Show respect and sensitivity <strong>for</strong> cultural differences: promote a tolerant andwelcoming environmentb. Maintain an active role; and be available <strong>for</strong> dormmatesc. Help develop a sense of community, as well as consider individual needsd. Maintain a positive residential environment in the House2) Organize intramural House activities3) Supervise Common Space: <strong>Student</strong> Lounge/Room, Kitchen, Hallwaysa. En<strong>for</strong>ce common space rules and regulationsb. Call and facilitate House meetings4) Safety and securitya. Be familiar with safety protocols, emergency-response proceduresb. Report behavior that is inappropriate5) En<strong>for</strong>ce Quiet HoursIf any student is caught breaking the rules, House Captains will follow the procedure outlinedbelow:1 st offense: give the student a verbal warning and remind her of AUW policies2 nd offense: write down the student’s name and keep it on file3 rd offense: file a disciplinary report with the Resident Faculty, who will decide on whatdisciplinary actions need to be taken4 th offense: House Captain will file another report with the Resident Faculty and the Dean of<strong>Student</strong>s; the student who violated the rule will have to meet with the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s5 th offense: a disciplinary warning will be issued by the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s. Please note thatdisciplinary warnings have severe consequences. If a student receives a disciplinary39

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