C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net


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Chapter 7 General description7. General descriptionThis clause is informative.This International Standard is intended to be used by implementers, academics, and applicationprogrammers. As such, it contains a considerable amount of explanatory material that, strictly speaking, isnot necessary in a formal language specification.This standard is divided into the following subdivisions:1. Front matter (clauses 1–7);2. <strong>Language</strong> overview (clause 8);3. The language syntax, constraints, and semantics (clauses 9–25);4. AnnexesExamples are provided to illustrate possible forms of the constructions described. References are used torefer to related clauses. Notes are provided to give advice or guidance to implementers or programmers.Annexes provide additional information and summarize the information contained in this InternationalStandard.Clauses 2–5, 9–24, the beginning of 25, and the beginning of D form a normative part of this standard; all ofclause 25 with the exception of the beginning is conditionally normative; and Brief history, clauses 1, 6–8,annexes A, B, C, and most of D, notes, examples, and the index are informative.Except for whole clauses or annexes that are identified as being informative, informative text that iscontained within normative text is indicated in two ways:1. [Example: The following example … code fragment, possibly with some narrative … end example]2. [Note: narrative … end note]End of informative text.13

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