C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net


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Chapter 25 Unsafe code}public static void Copy(void* src, void* dst, int count) {byte* ps = (byte*)src;byte* pd = (byte*)dst;if (ps > pd) {for (; count != 0; count--) *pd++ = *ps++;}else if (ps < pd) {for (ps += count, pd += count; count != 0; count--)*--pd = *--ps;}}// Frees a memory block.public static void Free(void* block) {if (!HeapFree(ph, 0, block)) throw new InvalidOperationException();}// Re-allocates a memory block. If the reallocation request is for a// larger size, the additional region of memory is automatically// initialized to zero.public static void* ReAlloc(void* block, int size) {void* result = HeapReAlloc(ph, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, block, size);if (result == null) throw new OutOfMemoryException();return result;}// Returns the size of a memory block.public static int SizeOf(void* block) {int result = HeapSize(ph, 0, block);if (result == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException();return result;}// Heap API flagsconst int HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY = 0x00000008;// Heap API functions[DllImport("kernel32")]static extern int GetProcessHeap();[DllImport("kernel32")]static extern void* HeapAlloc(int hHeap, int flags, int size);[DllImport("kernel32")]static extern bool HeapFree(int hHeap, int flags, void* block);[DllImport("kernel32")]static extern void* HeapReAlloc(int hHeap, int flags,void* block, int size);[DllImport("kernel32")]static extern int HeapSize(int hHeap, int flags, void* block);An example that uses the Memory class is given below:class Test{static void Main() {unsafe {byte* buffer = (byte*)Memory.Alloc(256);for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) buffer[i] = (byte)i;byte[] array = new byte[256];fixed (byte* p = array) Memory.Copy(buffer, p, 256);Memory.Free(buffer);for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) Console.WriteLine(array[i]);}}}333

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