C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net


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Chapter 9 Lexical structurekeyword:: one ofabstract as base bool breakbyte case catch char checkedclass const continue decimal defaultdelegate do double else enumevent explicit extern false finallyfixed float for foreach gotoif implicit in int interfaceinternal is lock long namespacenew null object operator outoverride params private protected publicreadonly ref return sbyte sealedshort sizeof stackalloc static stringstruct switch this throw truetry typeof uint ulong uncheckedunsafe ushort using virtual voidvolatile whileIn some places in the grammar, specific identifiers have special meaning, but are not keywords. [Note: Forexample, within a property declaration, the “get” and “set” identifiers have special meaning (§17.6.2). Anidentifier other than get or set is never permitted in these locations, so this use does not conflict with a use ofthese words as identifiers. end note]9.4.4 LiteralsA literal is a source code representation of a value.literal::boolean-literalinteger-literalreal-literalcharacter-literalstring-literalnull-literal9.4.4.1 Boolean literalsThere are two boolean literal values: true and false.boolean-literal::truefalseThe type of a boolean-literal is bool. Integer literalsInteger literals are used to write values of types int, uint, long, and ulong. Integer literals have two possibleforms: decimal and hexadecimal.integer-literal::decimal-integer-literalhexadecimal-integer-literaldecimal-integer-literal::decimal-digits integer-type-suffix optdecimal-digits::decimal-digitdecimal-digits decimal-digit57

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