C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net

C# Language Specification - Willy .Net


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<strong>C#</strong> LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION}public NotFiniteNumberException(double offendingNumber);public NotFiniteNumberException(string message);public NotFiniteNumberException(string message, double offendingNumber);public NotFiniteNumberException(string message, double offendingNumber,Exception innerException);public double OffendingNumber { get; }// Namespace: System, Library: BCLpublic class NotSupportedException: SystemException{public NotSupportedException();public NotSupportedException(string message);public NotSupportedException(string message, Exception innerException);}// Namespace: System, Library: BCLpublic class NullReferenceException: SystemException{public NullReferenceException();public NullReferenceException(string message);public NullReferenceException(string message, Exception innerException);}// Namespace: System.Globalization, Library: BCLpublic sealed class NumberFormatInfo: ICloneable, IFormatProvider{public NumberFormatInfo();public object Clone();public object GetFormat(Type formatType);public static NumberFormatInfo ReadOnly(NumberFormatInfo nfi);public int CurrencyDecimalDigits { get; set; }public string CurrencyDecimalSeparator { get; set; }public string CurrencyGroupSeparator { get; set; }public int[] CurrencyGroupSizes { get; set; }public int CurrencyNegativePattern { get; set; }public int CurrencyPositivePattern { get; set; }public string CurrencySymbol { get; set; }public static NumberFormatInfo CurrentInfo { get; }public static NumberFormatInfo InvariantInfo { get; }public bool IsReadOnly { get; }public string NaNSymbol { get; set; }public string NegativeInfinitySymbol { get; set; }public string NegativeSign { get; set; }408

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