A molecular cytogenetic analysis of chromosome behavior in Lilium ...

A molecular cytogenetic analysis of chromosome behavior in Lilium ...

A molecular cytogenetic analysis of chromosome behavior in Lilium ...


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U-type exchanges <strong>in</strong> <strong>Lilium</strong> hybrids2) bridges <strong>in</strong>volved, not only non-sister chromatids, but also sister-chromatid; 3) breakage andfusion between sister chromatids without cross<strong>in</strong>g over (or rarely even number <strong>of</strong> crossovers)lead to a r<strong>in</strong>g <strong>chromosome</strong> together with a fragment, <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g that for U-type exchangecross<strong>in</strong>g over is not always needed; 4) <strong>chromosome</strong> breakage and fusion occured not onlybetween two nonsister chromatids <strong>of</strong> two homoeologous <strong>chromosome</strong>s, but also between thetwo non-sister chromatids <strong>of</strong> two non-homologous <strong>chromosome</strong>s; and 5) <strong>in</strong> view <strong>of</strong> thevariation <strong>in</strong> fragment size, paracentric <strong>in</strong>version was excluded. As a result, bridges andfragments at anaphase I dur<strong>in</strong>g meiosis <strong>of</strong> these lily hybrids were derived from spontaneous<strong>chromosome</strong> breakage and fusion, and similar to many species hybrids <strong>in</strong> which <strong>in</strong>versionheterozygote was usually expected, judge these bridges from paracentric <strong>in</strong>version isarbitrary.DNA <strong>in</strong> situ hybridization is a powerful technique <strong>in</strong> study<strong>in</strong>g bridges, which enables thediscrim<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> sister U-type exchanges from non-sister U-type exchanges. GISH revealedthat anaphase I bridges and fragments are not sufficient pro<strong>of</strong> for non-sister U-type exchanges.In classical <strong>cytogenetic</strong>s, non-sister U-type exchange was characterized by the configuration<strong>of</strong> anaphase I bridges and fragments, while sister U-type exchanges were recognised by theanaphase I loops with fragments, univalent loops and univalent bridges at meiosis (Haga 1953;Jones and Brumpton 1971; Jones 1969; Karp and Jones 1983; Walters 1956). Our resultsrevealed that not only non-sister U-type exchanges, but also sister chromatid U-typeexchanges, with a s<strong>in</strong>gle cross<strong>in</strong>g over, can also give rise to the production <strong>of</strong> an anaphase Ibridge together with an acentric fragment (Fig. 4.1d and 1e; Fig. 4.2). The only difference <strong>of</strong>these two is that bridges and fragments derived from non-sister U-type exchanges are themerger <strong>of</strong> chromatid segments from two genomes that are differentially labelled by thefluorescence labell<strong>in</strong>g . On the other hand, anaphase I loops with fragments, univalent loopsand univalent bridges at meiosis are <strong>of</strong> course pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sister U-type exchanges, but loops aredifficult to be identified at meiosis s<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>chromosome</strong>s are so condensed. However, FISHwith a telomere repeat as probe can simultaneously detect the number <strong>of</strong> telomeres on<strong>in</strong>dividual <strong>chromosome</strong>s, which provides conv<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>g pro<strong>of</strong> for r<strong>in</strong>g <strong>chromosome</strong>s.Anaphase bridg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>terspecific hybrids results <strong>in</strong> reduced fertility, aneuploidy andprobably the production <strong>of</strong> iso<strong>chromosome</strong>s <strong>in</strong> the progeny. Dur<strong>in</strong>g male meiosis which willgive rise to haploid pollen, a chromatid bridge will break at one or multiple locations,result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>chromosome</strong> structural changes and/or loss <strong>of</strong> <strong>chromosome</strong> material. This willcause half <strong>of</strong> the gametes from the pollen mother cell to be unbalanced and lethal, and expla<strong>in</strong>the remarkable reduction <strong>of</strong> fertility. S<strong>in</strong>ce unreduced gametes can endure aneuploidy, some55

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