
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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5General information about the CompanyInformation about the CompanyDouble voting rights approved by the Annual General Meetingof 26 June 2012Pursuant to the decision of the Annual General Meeting of26 June 2012 (16 th resolution), as from 26 June 2014 double votingrights will be allocated to all registered and fully paid-up sharesregistered in the name of the same holder for at least two years.Double voting rights shall cease automatically with respect toany shares converted into bearer form or transferred, except asexpressly provided by law.In the event of a capital increase paid up by capitalising reserves,profits or issue premiums, double voting rights will, from the date ofissue, be allocated to shares awarded free of charge to eligible shareholdersbased on the number of old shares held in registered form.Shareholder identificationThe Company’s shares – which must be held in either registeredor bearer form – are recorded in shareholders’ accounts in accordancewith the applicable laws and regulations.The Company may ask to receive information, from any authorisedbody or intermediary, on the identity of its shareholders or holdersof other securities conferring voting rights in the Company,either immediately or in the future, the number of securities theyhold, and any restrictions on said securities, in accordance withand subject to the penalties provided by the legislation in force.In compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, any intermediaryregistered on behalf of a shareholder in accordance withArticle L. 228-1 of the French Commercial Code is required todisclose the identity of the person or entity in the name of whomit is acting, upon simple request by the Company or its representative,which may be made at any time.Disclosure thresholdsIn addition to the regulatory requirements concerning the statutorydisclosure thresholds in force (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,33.3%, 50%, 66.6%, 90% and 95%), any individual or legal entitythat raises its interest in the Company, held directly or indirectly,through one or more of the legal entities that it controls withinthe meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French CommercialCode, to 0.5% of the share capital, is required to disclose to theCompany by registered letter with return receipt requested thetotal number of shares owned. Said disclosure formalities mustbe carried out within five trading days of the date the threshold iscrossed and must be respected each time a shareholder’s interestis raised to above or reduced to below any 0.5% threshold, evenif the thresholds crossed are higher or lower than those providedfor by law. An intermediary registered as holding shares on behalfof a shareholder in accordance with the applicable laws and regulationsis required, without prejudice to the obligations of theshareholder concerned, to make the above-mentioned disclosureswith respect to all of the shares registered in the intermediary’saccount. In the case of fund management companies, said disclosureformalities must be carried out for all of the Company’sshares held by the funds that they manage.If a shareholder fails to comply with the above disclosure rules,the shares not disclosed pursuant to the law or the provisionsdescribed above will be stripped of voting rights for a periodof two years as from the date on which the omission is remedied.This sanction will only apply upon request by one or moreshareholders owning at least 5% of the Company’s capital, dulyrecorded in the minutes of a General Meeting.186 | Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version)

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