
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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6Corporate social responsibilityGrenelle II – Article 225 of Act no. 2010-778 of 12 July 2010 –Decree of 24 April 2012Pollution and waste management24) Measures taken to prevent, reduce and offset air,water and land effluents seriously impacting the environmentRegistrationdocument(page) ISO 26000 UN Global CompactReportingscope75 Plants25) Measures taken to prevent, recycle and eliminate waste 76 6.5.3 ≠ 7-8-926) Noise pollution and other types of specific business-related pollution 75Sustainable use of resources27) Water abstraction✓Water supply in accordance with local requirements28) Raw material consumption✓Measures taken to make more efficient use of raw materials29) Energy consumption✓Measures taken to improve energy efficiency and use of renewableenergy sources30) Land useClimate change2092082082096.5.4 ≠ 7-8-9Distribution centres and plants(excluding registered offices)Distribution centres and plants(excluding registered offices)PlantsRaw materials usedto manufacture productsat Group plants31) Greenhouse gas emissions 209 6.5.5 ≠ 7-8-9 Plants32) Adapting to the consequences of climate change 208Protection of biodiversity33) Measures taken to protect and increase biodiversity 208 6.5.6 ≠ 7-8-9INFORMATION ON COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENTRegional, economic and social impact of the Company’s business34) Employment and regional development 6.8.535) Local and neighbouring communities 198-211 6.8Relations with stakeholders36) Stakeholder dialogue 197-198 5.3.337) Patronage and sponsorship 211 6.8.9Subcontractors and suppliers38) Consideration of social and environmental issuesin the purchasing policy39) Subcontracting and consideration of CSR issuesin relations with suppliers and subcontractorsFair operating practices197199 6.6 ≠ 1-240) Action taken to prevent any kinds of corruption 210 6.6.3 ≠ 1041) Measures taken to promote consumer health and safety 210-211 6.7.4Other action taken to promote human rights 6.3 ≠ 1-242) Other action taken to promote human rights 198Entire GroupGroupThe information featured in chapter 6 marked with a ✓ has been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors in a limited assurance report.214 | Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version)

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