
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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2Corporate governanceBoard of DirectorsPascal LebardChief Executive Officer of Sequana■■Director since 3 May 2005Deputy Chief Executive Officer from 3 May 2005 to 30 June 2007Chief Executive Officer since 1 July 2007Pascal Lebard was also a member of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board of Sequana (formerly Worms & Cie) between 2003and 2005.His term of office, which was renewed in 2011, will expire at the end of the Annual General Meeting of 27 June 2013. The Board willask shareholders to reappoint Mr Lebard as director for a period of four years, i.e., until 2017.■■Mr Lebard is 50 years old and holds 64,361 shares in Sequana, registered in his name. He also holds 3,338,717 shares (13.35% of theCompany’s capital) through DLMD, which he controls and of which he is Chairman.■■He is a graduate of the EDHEC business school. He began his career in the banking sector and went on to become an AssociateDirector of 3i SA. He has held several executive management positions in the Exor group (formerly Ifil) and also holds a number ofdirectorships in other companies.Professional address: Sequana – 8, rue de Seine – 92517 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex, FranceDirectorships and positions held in 2012 and since 1 January 2013:Chairman of Arjowiggins (1)Chairman of Antalis International (1)Chairman of Arjowiggins Security (1) (since 6 February 2013)Chairman of Arjowiggins Security Solutions (1) (since 6 February 2013)Chairman of Arjobex (1) (since 14 February 2013)46 | Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version)Director of Permal Group Ltd (UK)Director of CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) (Belgium)Directorships and positions held in the past five years:Chairman of Fromageries de l’Etoile SASChairman of Etoile Plus SASChairman of DLMD SAS Chairman of Arjowiggins Security (1)Chairman of Pascal Lebard Invest SAS Chairman of Arjobex (1)Chairman of Boccafin SAS (1) Chairman of Arjowiggins Security Solutions (1)Chairman of Antalis Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore) (1)Member of the Supervisory Board of Ofi Private Equity CapitalChairman of AW Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd (1) Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Sequana Capital (1)Member of the Supervisory Board of Eurazeo PMEDirector of SGS SA (Switzerland)Director of Arjowiggins HKK 1 Ltd (Hong Kong) (1) Director of Arjowiggins HKK 2 Ltd (Hong Kong) (1)Director of Arjowiggins HKK 3 Ltd (Hong Kong) (1)Manager of Ibéria SarlDirector of Greysac SAS (until 30 September 2012) Liquidator of Boccafin Suisse SA (1)Director of Club Méditerranée – Listed companyDirector of Lisi – Listed company(1) Subsidiary of Sequana.Luc ArgandPartner at the law firm Pfyffer & Associés, Geneva (Switzerland)■■Independent director of Sequana since 3 May 2005His term of office as director, which was renewed in 2011, expires in 2014.■■Mr Argand, a Swiss citizen, is 65 years old and holds 100 shares in Sequana.■■He is an attorney with the Geneva Bar, of which he was President from 1996 to 1998. He is also Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitrationfor Sport (Lausanne), was a member of the High Council for the Judiciary (Geneva) and is Chairman of the Supervisory Committeeof Notaries in Geneva. He is specialised in business, banking, sport and arbitration law.Professional address: Étude Pfyffer & Associés – 6, rue François Bellot – 1206 Geneva, SwitzerlandDirectorships and positions held in 2012 and since 1 January 2013:Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Syz & Co (Switzerland)Chairman of the Board of Directors of Financière Syz & Co (Switzerland)Chairman of the Board of Directors of Société de Gestion d’Oncieu et Cie SA (Switzerland)(until March 2012)Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Morval & Cie (Switzerland)Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Palexpo (Switzerland) – Listed companyDirector of Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild (Switzerland) – Listed companyDirector of Yafa SpA (Italy) (since January 2012)Director of Yura International BV (since January 2012)Director of Casino Barrière de Montreux (Switzerland) – Listed companyDirector of Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild (Switzerland)Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Notaries in GenevaArbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (Switzerland)Directorships and positions held in the past five years:Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hôtel Olden AG (Switzerland)Chairman of Salon International de l’Automobile de Genève (Switzerland)Member of the High Council for the Judiciary in Geneva (Switzerland)Director of LCF Holding Benjamin & Edmond de Rothschild (Switzerland)

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