
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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General information about the CompanyInformation about the Company’s capital 5On 9 November 2012, UBS Investment Bank disclosed that ithad gone above the statutory threshold of 0.5% and that it held0.85% of the Company’s share capital, and that subsequently on21 November, it had gone below this 0.5% threshold and held0.03% of the Company’s share capital and voting rights.On 8 January 2013, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority disclosedthat it had gone above the statutory threshold of 0.5% and that itheld 0.5646% of the Company’s capital.Dealings in the Company’s shares by Sequanaexecutives, related parties and membersof their family (Article L. 621-18-2of the French Monetary and Financial Code)In accordance with Article 223-26 of the AMF’s GeneralRegulations providing for the disclosure of declarations made byexecutives, related parties and members of their family regardingdealings in the Company’s shares, readers are reminded that:■■On 26 June 2012, DLMD, a company managed and controlledby Pascal Lebard and director of Sequana, subscribed to sharesin the Company at a price of €1.50 per share, for a total amountof €15,024,231.■■On 9 July 2012, Pascal Lebard, Chief Executive Officer ofSequana, subscribed to shares in the Company at a price of€1.50 per share, for a total amount of €289,641.■■On 9 July 2012, Exor SA, a director of Sequana, subscribed toshares in the Company at a price of €1.50 per share, for a totalamount of €21,182,604.■■On 9 July 2012, Allianz France, a director of Sequana, subscribedto shares in the Company at a price of €1.50 per share,for a total amount of €300.■■On 9 July 2012, Allianz Vie, a company closely related toAllianz France, which is a director of Sequana, subscribed toshares in the Company at a price of €1.50 per share, for a totalamount of €6,643,755.■■On 9 July 2012, Allianz IARD, a company closely related toAllianz France, which is a director of Sequana, subscribed toshares in the Company at a price of €1.50 per share, for a totalamount of €7,553,796.Information likely to have an impactin the event of a public offeringIn the event of a public offering for the Company’s shares, boththe offerer and the Company must comply with relevant legislationand the guidelines published by the AMF.Sequana’s Articles of Association do not contain any specific ruleslikely to have an impact in the event of a public offering, apartfrom the Company’s entitlement to trade in its own shares undercertain conditions, even during the period in which a public offeringis made. The authorisation previously granted to the Board ofDirectors to trade in the Company’s shares in such circumstanceswas renewed by the Annual General Meeting of 26 June 2012(8 th resolution) and the Annual General Meeting of 27 June 2013will be called upon to renew this authorisation in its 13 th resolution.Stock option and share award plans include provisions wherebythe rights of grantees may be modified in the event of a publicoffering for or delisting of the Company’s shares. Certain financeagreements include an early repayment clause that can be triggeredin the event of a change in control of the Company.Share buyback programmesIn the 17 th resolution of the Combined General Meeting of19 May 2011, the shareholders granted an 18-month authorisationto the Board of Directors and, by delegation, any otherduly authorised person, to buy back Sequana shares representinga maximum of 10% of the Company’s capital. In the 12 th resolutionof the Combined General Meeting of 26 June 2012, theaforementioned authorisation was terminated in respect of theunused portion, and replaced by a new 18-month authorisationgranted to the Board of Directors and, by delegation, any otherduly authorised person, to buy back Sequana shares representinga maximum of 10% of the Company’s capital.To improve the liquidity of the Sequana share and the frequency ofits quotations on the Eurolist market of NYSE Euronext, Sequanaset up a liquidity contract in 2006. This contract is performed incompliance with the code of ethics published by the French financialmarkets association, AMAFI. Since March 2009, the liquiditycontract has been managed by Oddo Corporate Finance. Atotal of €8 million was allocated to the contract by Sequana in2010. An amendment to the liquidity contract was signed withOddo Corporate Finance on 26 April 2011, reducing the amountallocated to the contract to €6 million.All share buyback transactions in 2012 were carried out withinthe scope of the liquidity contract.Between 1 January and 14 November 2012, 1,857,628 Sequanashares with a par value of €1.50 were purchased at an averagegross volume-weighted price of €2.78. In the same period,1,523,926 Sequana shares were sold at an average gross volumeweightedprice of €3.10.Between 15 November and 31 December 2012, 356,146 Sequanashares with a par value of €9 were purchased at an averagegross volume-weighted price of €8.40. In the same period,356,626 Sequana shares were sold at an average gross volumeweightedprice of €8.35.The total amount of the negotiation fees for this period totalled€35,000.At 31 December 2012, Sequana held 109,305 treasury shares(each with a par value of €9), representing 0.43% of the Company’scapital and a market value of €900,673.20. All of these shareswere acquired in connection with the liquidity contract.Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version) | 191

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