
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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6Corporate social responsibilityIn 2012, Arjowiggins Graphic teamed up with SOS Children’sVillages Denmark, an association supporting four schools inRwanda providing primary education to more than 1,600 children.This partnership is celebrated in the new advertising campaignfor Cyclus 100% recycled paper, shown in 32 countries andin 22 languages. Arjowiggins Graphic donates an exercise bookfor every sample requested from the Cyclus website. Employees ofthe UK division took part in a canoe challenge to raise money forchildren and young people living in care.Lastly, in the field of healthcare, Antalis donated paper to associationsassisting sick children in Hungary and those assistingchildren and adults affected by AIDS in Hong Kong. Employeesacross many countries (Denmark, Hungary, Spain, etc.) rallyaround certain causes such as cancer. In the UK, this cause istaken up during the well-known “Wear it Pink” day and mostrecently, “Movember”.CSR reporting methodologyIndicators usedPursuant to the provisions and guiding principles of the FrenchGrenelle II Act, Sequana has tried to report on CSR matters astransparently as possible. However, in accordance with the “complyor explain” rule provided for in the Act, Sequana acknowledgesthat certain minimal information has not been disclosed.The main reasons for non-disclosure may be that (i) no reliableindicators exist for the issues concerned; (ii) as a paper group, certainmatters do not concern Sequana and are not therefore considered;and (iii) the information is deemed confidential (see theGrenelle II concordance table).CSR reporting scopeThe CSR information provided belongs to different categorieswhich each have their own reporting and consolidation procedures.This is due to the nature of the information compiled, thescope applied and the maturity of the entities included.Reporting on labour practices includes all of the Group’s legalentities, and therefore covers all Group employees.However, discrepancies may arise between some reported datadue to differences in how employees are accounted for.Health and safety reporting only includes purely production andlogistics activities, i.e., all Arjowiggins plants and Antalis distributioncentres. Health and safety reporting excludes offices andlocal or central headquarters.Environmental reporting is different for the production and forthe distribution business. Detailed reporting on plants (see section6.12, Key environmental performance data) covers issuesrelating to the use of natural resources and management of waste.More summary reporting on energy consumption and transportcovers warehouses used in the distribution business. In bothcases, reporting excludes offices and local headquarters.Reporting on raw material consumption covers all Arjowigginsplants.Sources and tools usedData on labour practices are incorporated with the internalfinancial reporting software (Magnitude). HR reporting packagesare completed by the Group’s legal entities at June 30 andDecember 31 each year. The management accountant of these entitiesis responsible for relaying the request to the competent memberof staff and verifying that all information has been supplied.Health and safety data are compiled using an Excel spreadsheetsent each year to all sites by the Group Head of Security.Environmental data concerning plants are compiled using aquestionnaire in Excel which is sent every year to the networkof QHE (Quality, Health, Environment) officers in the Group’s22 plants. For the distribution centres, a questionnaire is sent on15 December to the centres’ managers.Raw material purchases are made by a central pooling structure(Arjowiggins Sourcing Limited).Method used to consolidate and validate indicatorsA procedural guide to reporting on labour practices setting outdefinitions of social indicators is available in the internal financialreporting software. Information on labour practices is compiledby the Group’s management accounting department and sent tothe Head of CSR responsible for analysing the data along withthe HR department.The Excel health and safety questionnaire featuring a data inputguide is completed by local QHE officers at each site. This informationis then pooled and consolidated by the Group Head ofSecurity before being sent to the HR and CSR departments to beanalysed and incorporated into the management report.The environmental questionnaire includes explanatory commentsfor each indicator. The Head of the CSR department uses thequestionnaire to consolidate information at Group level for publicationin the management report.Purchases of raw materials are pooled and reported monthly tothe Arjowiggins Executive Committee. These data are only consolidatedonce a year for publication in the management report.For confidentiality reasons affecting certain data, publishedinformation is grouped by type of raw material.212 | Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version)

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