
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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Presentation of the groupPresentation of Sequana 1Production and converting facilitiesEurope Americas AsiaFrance: Bessé-sur-Braye, Rives, Charavines,Château-Thierry, Crèvecœur, Le Bourray,Neuilly-en-Thelle, Palalda, WizernesUnited Kingdom: Chartham, Clacton,Ivybridge, StoneywoodThe Netherlands: ApeldoornCzech Republic: BrnoItaly: ArzanoSpain: GelidaUnited States: Combined Locks, Charlotte, CharlestonBrazil: SaltoChina: QuzhouProfileThe world’s leading producer of technical and creative papers,Arjowiggins generated €1,419 million in sales in 2012, representing30% of the Group’s total sales.Arjowiggins produces a wide range of high value-added creative andtechnical papers using environmentally-friendly, cutting-edge technology.Its operations and activities are focused mainly on the productionof high value-added specialty paper, where it is a top-ranking playerworldwide. Selling prices for specialty products are far higher thanfor traditional coated and uncoated papers, reflecting the value-addedresulting from the specific technical and technological componentsused. Arjowiggins has a portfolio of over 50 brands, all well known ontheir respective markets (e.g., Conqueror and Rives) for their high qualityand broad product range.Arjowiggins is organised around four divisions (Graphic, Coated US,Creative Papers and Security) and had more than 5,000 employees in2012, of which more than two-thirds were based in Europe.37%Graphic12%Coated USAverage employees by division28%Security23%CreativePapers13%Rest of the worldAverage employees by geographic area13%Europe(excl. France and UK)A global playerWith almost 50% of its sales generated outside Europe, Arjowigginsis a truly global player. In 2012, it had 22 industrial sites in NorthAmerica, Europe, South America and Asia, representing a totalproduction capacity of 1.4 million tonnes. Arjowiggins also operates17 plants (including three non-paper plants producing syntheticor polypropylene substrates) and 30 paper machines ofvarying sizes and capacities. Most of Arjowiggins’ plants have acomprehensive production capacity which includes finishing andconverting capabilities. The facilities are adapted to the use andtype of production at each site. For example, different types ofprinting machines are used at plants producing specialty paper.Arjowiggins also has three sites dedicated to converting certainspecialty papers and two recycled pulp facilities at Greenfield andLe Bourray in France (the pulp production unit at Le Bourray isfully integrated with paper production).12%Rest of the worldBreakdown of sales by geographic area45%France15%UK14%US16%France16%Asia26%Europe(excl. France and UK)10%UK20%USSequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version) | 31

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