
Registration document PDF - Sequana

Registration document PDF - Sequana


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6Corporate social responsibilitySocial dialogueSequana strives to organise this process within the Group based onthe subsidiarity principle according to which dialogue must occurat the level capable of addressing the relevant matter effectivelyin accordance with national laws and regulations. Social dialoguemust therefore be primarily initiated at local level in view of thefact that economic and human dimensions can be better assessedat that level. All Group companies must have an employee representativebody or initiate talks, which provide an opportunity forexchange. Particularly in France, this is the level at which discussionsare held between management, employee representativesand trade union bodies about the various agreements on genderequality, the employment of older workers, arduous work and,most recently, generation agreements.At Arjowiggins’ level, a series of meetings with all trade unionswas held as from 2010 to supplement the existing corporateexchanges, European Works Council and Group Works Councilmeetings. In 2010, Arjowiggins negotiated with trade unionorganisations and entered into an agreement creating a divisionlevelWorks Council with the same prerogatives as those of aGroup Works Council and the same scope as that of a EuropeanWorks Council (since each division has a pan-European dimension).The aim of this agreement was to enhance dialogue withineach division. The division-level Works Council is a forum wherethe division’s economic, financial and labour strategies can be bestdiscussed (the company was found to be too narrow and the grouptoo broad to handle these issues effectively). In 2012, a WorksCouncil met within each division, enhancing dialogue, improvingunderstanding of the economic situation and allowing discussionsto take place freely.The 2002 agreement constituting the Group Works Council providesfor two annual meetings instead of one. At these meetings,employee representatives assisted by a certified accountantare informed of the situation of each division, allowing them tobenchmark the performance and outlook for their division againstother entities. These meetings validated the new composition ofunion representative bodies in light of revised legal requirementson union representation and contributed to employee-employerrelations within each division with the creation of a division-levelWorks Council. At European level, a plenary meeting was heldin 2012 and a meeting of the select committee took place on theannouncement of the restructuring plans launched in September2012 in the UK and Denmark.Antalis only has three legal entities in France. Following thecreation of a Works Council, social dialogue at Antalis SNCcontinued at this level between management and employee representativesand covered a broad spectrum of issues. An in-depth6.6 - Employee safetyanalysis was carried out with trade union organisations on themeans to make this dialogue more effective and ensure a form ofgovernance conducive to creating a positive labour environment.Antalis’ European Works Council met once in 2012 as planned.At the level of company registered offices, social partners continuedto actively and collectively manage their social and culturalagenda within the scope of an intercompany Works Councilcomprising Antalis International, Arjowiggins SAS, ArjowigginsCreative Papers and Sequana Ressources & Services.Sequana considers that implementing and maintaining healthyworking conditions for its employees is among its most importantresponsibilities. Each entity exercises these responsibilities withinthe local legal and social framework. Sequana ensures that eachentity complies strictly with local regulations but also promotes itsown values, providing equal opportunities for employees, ensuringfair treatment and zero discrimination and encouraging socialdialogue. In a morose economic environment, ensuring healthysocial dialogue is crucial, particularly in the context of redundancyprocedures. Sequana rigorously verifies that all employees affectedby such procedures are given the assistance provided for by law.Collective bargainingEvery year, the Group negotiates a number of collective bargainingagreements with employee representative bodies on an individualentity level. Amendments to these agreements are also negotiated.In 2012, the Group’s French entities signed 29 such agreementswith social partners (10 for Antalis and 19 for Arjowiggins).Besides the statutory annual bargaining round, these agreementsconcerned diversity, incentive arrangements, equality at work andprofit sharing.Employee protection – health and safetyAs Sequana’s businesses involve risks that can cause personal injuryor illness, the Group places great emphasis on the health, mentalwell-being and physical safety of the men and women working todevelop its businesses. It has appointed a team in charge of personalsafety and product security which audits, supports and coordinatesthe practices and action plans implemented in each of itsbusinesses. This team comprises three or four people managed by ahealth and safety officer who reports to the Group’s HR Director.Sequana aims to make safety and security issues a force for cohesionwithin the Group and a driver of ongoing improvement in all businessprocesses. Progress meetings are held four times a year withinthe scope of Antalis and Arjowiggins European Works Councilmeetings and the Arjowiggins France Group Works Council.Employee safety Antalis Arjowiggins Sequana/SRSLost-time accidents in 2012 ✓ 95 73 –Incident rate 2012 ✓ 15.9 14.4 –Incident rate 2011 19.5 13.0 –Incident rate = number of lost-time accidents/number of full-time employees and temporary personnel x 1,000.Data calculated based on a scope of 108 distribution centres for Antalis and 22 plants for Arjowiggins (excluding headquarters).204 | Sequana | 2012 Document de référence (English version)

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