Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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The system shall measure and control tether dynamics. Debris ToleranceThe system shall survive orbital debris impacts for 10 years with greater than 99% confidence.3.2.2 Maximum LifetimeConsumables and expendables shall not constrain the lifetime of the system.The system will not preclude resupply or addition of consumables and expendables, even after the designlifetime has been exceeded. The system may continue to operate beyond its design lifetime with degradedperformance. It should not become inoperable simply because the system was not designed to allow someconsumable or expendable item, e.g. propellant, to be restocked.3.2.3 Repairability<strong>Orbiting</strong> elements of the system shall be repairable on orbit.3.2.4 EvolvabilityThe system shall be growable and evolvable on orbit to deliver a payload ten times more massive than thenominal payload to the nominal release orbit.3.2.5 DisposalThe system shall provide for safe disposal of all system elements.3.2.6 Fail OperationalThe system shall operate after any one credible component failure.3.2.7 Two-Failure SafetyThe system shall be safe after any two credible component failures.3.2.8 Collision Avoidance3.2.8.1 Tracked Debris<strong>Orbiting</strong> elements of the system shall avoid collision with tracked debris that would diminish the systemÕsability to perform its mission.The system may be designed to shield against or otherwise survive some debris impacts, thereby makingavoidance unnecessary in some cases. Tracked Satellites<strong>Orbiting</strong> elements of the system shall avoid collision with tracked satellites. Manned Spacecraft<strong>Orbiting</strong> elements of the system shall avoid collision with human-occupied spacecraft.This is a safety requirement, and therefore must be satisfied after any two credible component failures.

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