Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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Rapid Interplanetary <strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> SystemsIAF-99-A.5.10IntroductionThe possibility of using rotating ÒmomentumexchangeÓtethers to pick up payloads from oneorbit and toss them into another orbit has beendiscussed conceptually numerous times over thepast several decades. 1,2,3,4 In this paper, weinvestigate the design of specific tether systemarchitectures for two important missions: first,transport between low Earth orbit (LEO) and thesurface of the <strong>Moon</strong>, and second, transport ofpayloads between LEO and low <strong>Mars</strong> orbit.Ecliptici m<strong>Moon</strong>'sOrbitλ m<strong>Moon</strong>'sEquatorialPlanei eEarth'sEquatorialPlaneThe Cislunar <strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong>SystemA ÒCislunar <strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> SystemÓcomposed of one rotating momentum-exchangetether in elliptical, equatorial Earth orbit and asecond rotating tether facility in a low lunar orbitcan provide a means for repeatedly exchangingpayloads between low Earth orbit (LEO) and thesurface of the <strong>Moon</strong>, with little or no propellantexpenditure required. In 1991, Forward 5 showedthat such a system is theoretically possible froman energetics standpoint. A later study by Hoytand Forward 6 developed a first-order design forsuch a system. These previous studies, however,utilized a number of simplifying assumptionsregarding orbital and tether mechanics in theEarth-<strong>Moon</strong> system, including assumptions ofcoplanar orbits, ideal gravitational potentials,and infinite facility ballast masses. The purposeof this paper is to remove these assumptions anddevelop an architecture for such a system thattakes into account the complexities of orbitalmechanics in the Earth-<strong>Moon</strong> system.Figure 1. Conceptual illustration of the Cislunar<strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> System.To sunFigure 2. Schematic illustrating the geometry of theEarth-<strong>Moon</strong> system.The basic concept of the Cislunar <strong>Tether</strong><strong>Transport</strong> System is to use a rotating tether inEarth orbit to pick payloads up from LEO orbitsand toss them to the <strong>Moon</strong>, where a rotatingtether in lunar orbit, called a ÒLunavator ª Ó,could catch them and deliver them to the lunarsurface. As the Lunavator ª delivers payloads tothe <strong>Moon</strong>Õs surface, it can also pick up returnpayloads, such as water or aluminum processedfrom lunar resources, and send them down to LEO.By balancing the flow of mass to and from the<strong>Moon</strong>, the orbital momentum and energy of thesystem can be conserved, eliminating the need toexpend large quantities of propellant to move thepayloads back and forth. This system isillustrated in Figure 1.Orbital Mechanics of the Earth-<strong>Moon</strong> SystemOrbital mechanics in cislunar space are madequite complex by the different and varyingorientations of the ecliptic plane, the EarthÕsequatorial plane, the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbital plane, andthe <strong>Moon</strong>Õs equatorial plane. Figure 2 attempts toillustrate these different planes. The inclinationof the EarthÕs equatorial plane (the Òobliquity ofthe eclipticÓ), is approximately 23.45¡, but variesdue to tidal forces exerted by the Sun and <strong>Moon</strong>.The angle i m between the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs equatorial planeand a plane through the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs center that isparallel to the ecliptic plane is constant, about1.58¡. The inclination of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbit relativeto the ecliptic plane is also constant, about λ m =5.15¡. 7 The line of nodes of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbitregresses slowly, revolving once every 18.6 years.As a result, the inclination of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbitrelative to the EarthÕs equator varies between2

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