Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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Rapid Interplanetary <strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> SystemsIAF-99-A.5.10is thus at an altitude of 630 km-426.7 km = 203.3km and a velocity with respect to the Earth of9,701 m/s - 2,133 m/s = 7,568 m/s, which matchesthe payload altitude and velocity.EarthWhip After Payload PickupAfter picking up the payload, the loadedEarthWhip tether is now symmetricallybalanced. Since the added payload had bothenergy and momentum appropriate to its positionon the rotating tether, the EarthWhip rotationangular rate does not change and the period ofrotation remains at 1257 s. The center of mass ofthe loaded EarthWhip, however, has shifted tothe center of the tether central station, so theeffective length of the loaded tether arm is nowat its design length of 400,000 km and tip velocityof 2,000 m/s. With the addition of the payload,however, the orbit of the tether center-of-masshas dropped 26.7 km to a perigee of 6981.3 km,while the perigee velocity has slowed to 9,568m/s. The apogee of the new orbit is 28,182 km andthe eccentricity is 0.603, indicating that this neworbit is less eccentric than the initial orbit due tothe payload mass being added near perigee. Theperiod is 23,197 s or 6.44 hours.Payload TossThe catch and toss operation at the Earthcould have been arranged as shown in Figure 23,so that the payload catch was on one side of theperigee and the payload toss was on the otherside of the perigee, a half-rotation of the tetherlater (10.5 minutes). To simplify themathematics for this initial analysis, however,we assumed that the catch occurred right at theperigee, and that the tether holds onto thepayload for a full orbit. The ratio of the tethercenter-of-mass orbital period of 23,197 s is veryclose to 18.5 times the tether rotational period of1256.64 s, and by adjusting the length of thetether during the orbit, the phase of the tetherrotation can be adjusted so that the tether armholding the payload is passing through thezenith just as the tether center-of-mass reachesits perigee. The payload is thus tossed at analtitude of 603 km + 400 km =1003 km (7381 kmradius), at a toss velocity equal to the tethercenter-of-mass perigee velocity plus the tetherrotational velocity or 9,568 m/s + 2,000 m/s =11,568 m/s. In the combined catch and tossmaneuver, the payload has been given a totalvelocity increment of twice the tether tipvelocity or ∆v=4,000 m/s.EarthWhip After Payload TossAfter tossing the payload, the EarthWhiptether is back to its original mass. It has giventhe payload a significant fraction of its energyand momentum. At this point in the analysis, i tis important to insure that no portion of thetether will intersect the upper atmosphere andcause the EarthWhip to deorbit. We haveselected the minimum total mass for theEarthWhip at 15,000 kg to insure that doesn'thappen. The new orbit for the EarthWhip tetherhas a perigee of its center of mass of 6955 km (577km altitude), apogee of 24,170 km, eccentricity of0.552, and a period of 5.37 hours. With the newperigee at 577 km altitude, even if the tetherrotational phase is not controlled, the tip of theactive arm of the tether, which is at 426.67 kmfrom the center-of-mass of the tether, does not getbelow 150 km from the surface of the Earth whereit might experience atmospheric drag. Inpractice, the phase of the tether rotation will beadjusted so that at each perigee passage, thetether arms are roughly tangent to the surface ofthe Earth so that all parts of the tether are wellabove 500 km altitude, where the air drag andtraffic concerns are much reduced.With its new orbital parameters, theEarthWhip tether is in its "low energy" state.There are two options then possible. One optionis to keep the EarthWhip in its low energyelliptical orbit to await the arrival of anincoming payload from <strong>Mars</strong>. The EarthWhipwill then go through the reverse of the processthat it used to send the payload from Earth on itsway to <strong>Mars</strong>. In the process of capturing theincoming <strong>Mars</strong> payload, slowing it down, anddepositing it gently into the Earth's atmosphere,the EarthWhip will gain energy which will putit back into the "high energy" elliptical orbit i tstarted out in. If, however, it is desired to sendanother payload out from Earth before there is anincoming payload from <strong>Mars</strong>, then the solarelectric power supply on the tether centralstation can be used to generate electrical power.This electrical power can then be used to restorethe EarthWhip to its high energy ellipticalorbit using either electrodynamic tetherpropulsion 18 or gravity-gradient propulsion. 11,13Payload Escape TrajectoryThe velocity gain of ∆v≈4,000 m/s given thepayload deep in the gravity well of Earth resultsin a hyperbolic excess velocity of 5,081 m/s. The28

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