Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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Appendix L: <strong>Tether</strong> Boost Facility Design Final ReportFigure 3-14. Evolved Control Station with additional mass modules and solar arrays.An autonomous docking subsystem will require GN&C, ADCS, and a dockingmechanism. In order for the Control Station to stay within the payload weight limits ofan existing launch vehicle, it is suggested that the Control Station have the passivehalf of a docking assembly and that the Modules have the active half with the dockingmechanisms. The docking mechanisms on the Modules require power, resulting inan EPS with power storage and distribution. The Modules’ docking functions, andEPS all require C&DH. It is also assumed that and ground tracking of and groundcommunication with expansion Modules during pre-docking maneuvers is desired,requiring Modules to have an on-board ground communication subsystem. Thepotential difference between pre-docked Modules and the Control Station will morethan likely cause some arcing. Therefore, an additional assumption is that Moduleswill need to be designed with a method of preventing arcing during dockingprocedures. A cold gas ACS is recommended if future studies show that dockingmaneuvers will need to be performed in close proximity to instrumentation or otherdelicate surfaces (PV arrays, for example), though a need for a cold gas ACS wasnot identified in this phase.Thus far, an Expansion Module consists of components common to everysatellite bus and an autonomous docking subsystem. More mass can be added toeach Expansion Module as ballast, if so desired. Some other concepts for ControlStation evolvability were brainstormed in an earlier technical interchange meeting(May 2000). Two examples of these brainstormed concepts are additional on-boardL-73

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