Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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100000 95000 90000 85000 80000 75000 70000 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0µSat <strong>Tether</strong> Facility DesignMass Ratios:• Control Station 747 kg• Upper Stage (Ballast) 371 kg• Grapple 50 kg• <strong>Tether</strong> 743 kg• TOTAL: = 9 x payload<strong>Tether</strong> Length: 100 kmOrbit:• 405x8446 km ->390x6103 kmSystem Masses <strong>Tether</strong> Characteristics<strong>Tether</strong> mass 743 kg <strong>Tether</strong> Length 100 kmCS Active Mass 747 kg <strong>Tether</strong> mass ratio 3.71CS Ballast Mass 371 kg <strong>Tether</strong> tip velocity at catch 1,268 m/sGrapple mass 5 0 kg <strong>Tether</strong> tip velocity at toss 1,148 m/sTotal Facility Mass 1,911 kg <strong>Tether</strong> angular rate 0.015803 rad/sGravity at Control Station0.70 gTotal Launch Mass 1,540 kg Gravity at payload 1.85 gRendezvous acceleration2.04 gPayload Mass2 0 0 kgPre-CatchJoinedSystem Post-TossPositions & Velocities Payload <strong>Tether</strong> Post-catch <strong>Tether</strong> Payloadperigee altitude km 325 405 398 390 470apogee altitude km 325 8446 7199 6103 35786perigee radius km 6703 6783 6776 6768 6848apogee radius km 6703 14824 13577 12481 42164perigee velocity m / s 7711 8979 8859 8739 10007apogee velocity m / s 7711 4109 4421 4739 1625CM dist. From Station m 19765 27365 19765CM dist. To Grapple m 80235 72635 80235∆V to Reboost m / s 240∆V to Correct Apogee m / s 0∆V to Correct Precess. m / s 0∆V To Circularize m / s 1449Basic Orbital Parameterssemi-major axis km 6703 10804 10176 9625 24506eccentricity 0.0 0.372 0.334 0.297 0.721inclination rad 0 0 0 0 0semi-latus rectum km 6703 9308 9040 8777 11783sp. mech. energy m2/s2 -2.97E+07 -1.84E+07 -1.96E+07 -2.07E+07 -8.13E+06vis-viva energy m2/s2 -5.95E+07 -3.69E+07 -3.92E+07 -4.14E+07 -1.63E+07period sec 5462 11176 10217 9397 38179period min 91.0 186.3 170.3 156.6 636.3station rotation period sec 397.6 397.6 397.6rotation ratio 28.1 25.7 23.61.00E+00Radius(mm)MX <strong>Tether</strong>s7-1.00E+00Distance From Control Station<strong>Tether</strong> Facility Reboost• <strong>Tether</strong> facility transfersmomentum & energy topayload– tether orbit apogeedrops ~2300 km• <strong>Tether</strong> must restore 4 GJof orbital energy• To reboost within 30days, must add energyto orbit at 1.6 kW• Requires EOL PanelPower of 7.5 kWMX <strong>Tether</strong>s8

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