Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited

Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport - Tethers Unlimited


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<strong>Tether</strong>s <strong>Unlimited</strong>, Inc.Cislunar <strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong>Ecliptici m<strong>Moon</strong>'sEquatorialPlane<strong>Moon</strong>'sOrbiti eλ mEarth'sEquatorialPlaneTo sunFigure 1. Conceptual illustration of the Cislunar<strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> System.Orbital Mechanics of the Earth-<strong>Moon</strong> SystemOrbital mechanics in cislunar space are madequite complex by the different and varyingorientations of the ecliptic plane, the EarthÕsequatorial plane, the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbital plane, andthe <strong>Moon</strong>Õs equatorial plane. Figure 2 attempts toillustrate these different planes. The inclinationof the EarthÕs equatorial plane (the Òobliquity ofthe eclipticÓ), is approximately 23.45¡, but variesdue to tidal forces exerted by the Sun and <strong>Moon</strong>.The angle i m between the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs equatorial planeand a plane through the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs center that isparallel to the ecliptic plane is constant, about1.58¡. The inclination of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbit relativeto the ecliptic plane is also constant, about λ m =5.15¡. 5 The line of nodes of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbitregresses slowly, revolving once every 18.6 years.As a result, the inclination of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbitrelative to the EarthÕs equator varies between18.3-28.6 degrees. The <strong>Moon</strong>Õs orbit also has aslight eccentricity, approximately e m = 0.0549.<strong>Tether</strong> OrbitsAfter considering many different options,including the three-tether systems proposed previouslyand various combinations of ellipticaland circular orbits, we have determined that theoptimum configuration for the Cislunar <strong>Tether</strong>system is to utilize one tether in an elliptical,equatorial Earth orbit and one tether in acircular, polar lunar orbit, as illustrated in Figure1. This two-tether system will require the lowesttotal system mass, minimize the systemcomplexity and provide the most frequenttransfer opportunities. The Earth-orbit tetherwill pick payloads up from equatorial low-LEOFigure 2. Schematic illustrating the geometry of theEarth-<strong>Moon</strong> system.orbits and toss them towards one of the two pointswhere the <strong>Moon</strong> crosses the EarthÕs equatorialplane. The toss is timed so that the payloadreaches its apogee ahead of the <strong>Moon</strong>. The <strong>Moon</strong>approaches the payload from behind, and itsgravity causes the payloads velocity to slow andthen reverse, pulling it into a hyperbolic polarlunar trajectory. As the payload approaches the<strong>Moon</strong>, it will need to perform a small ∆ Vmaneuver to set it up into the proper approachtrajectory; the size of this maneuver will varydepending upon the inclination of the <strong>Moon</strong>Õsorbit plane and launch dispersions, but under mostconditions it will only require about 25Êm/s of ∆V.In the following sections, we will first developa design for a tether facility for boostingpayloads from low-LEO orbits to lunar transferorbits (LTO). We will then develop a design for aLunavator ª capable of catching the payloads anddelivering them to the surface of the <strong>Moon</strong>. W ewill then discuss the numerical simulations usedto verify the feasibility of this systemarchitecture.Design for Incremental DevelopmentThis effort has sought to design the Cislunar<strong>Tether</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> System so that it can bedeveloped and deployed in an incremental,modular fashion. The first components deployedwill generate revenue by transporting materialsto the <strong>Moon</strong> to facilitate lunar base development,and this revenue will be invested in thedeployment of additional modules to increase thesystem capacity and eventually enable round triptransport between LEO and the lunar surface.Although the system will realize its fullpotential when it is capable of transporting2

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