Finland Yearbook - 1993

Finland Yearbook - 1993.pdf

Finland Yearbook - 1993.pdf


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27<br />

Page<br />

192. Balance o f payments, 1991-1992........................... 214<br />

193. Bank o f <strong>Finland</strong>'s foreign exchange reserves, 1974­<br />

1 9 9 2 ............................................................................... 215<br />

194. <strong>Finland</strong>'s foreign receivables and liabilities a t the<br />

end o f 1982-1992 ....................................................... 215<br />

In te rn a l trade<br />

o 195. Sales o f commerce, 1990-1992 ......................... 216<br />

196. R etail trade by province and in biggest m unicipalities,<br />

1991 ...................................................................... 220<br />

• 197. Volume index o f wholesale and retail trade, 1990­<br />

1 9 9 2 221<br />

198. Sales o f alcoholic beverages, 1970-1992 .............. 221<br />

Financial markets<br />

__<br />

199. Deposits by the public a t end-year 1980-1992 ... 222<br />

200. Advances to the public a t end-year 1980-1992 . . . 223<br />

201. Profit and loss accounts o f banking establishments,<br />

1 9 91-1992................................................................ 223<br />

202. Credit stocks a t end-year 1 9 8 2 -1 9 9 2 .................. 224<br />

203. Loans granted by financial institutions, the central<br />

governm ent and social security funds to the corporate<br />

sector and to the households o f self-employed<br />

persons according to the industrial category o f the<br />

borrowers a t end-year 1988-1992 .......................... 226<br />

204. Bank o f <strong>Finland</strong>: spot selling rates a t end-year 1970­<br />

1 9 9 2 ............................................................................... 227<br />

205. M onetary aggregates, 1982-1992 .......................... 227<br />

o 206. Domestic interest rates, 1979-<strong>1993</strong>........................ 228<br />

207. Balance sheet o f the Bank o f <strong>Finland</strong>, 1989-1992 . 229<br />

208. Balance sheet o f commercial banks a t end-year<br />

1960 -1992.................................................................... 230<br />

209. Savings banks a t end-year 1960-1 9 9 2 .................... 231<br />

210. Balance sheet o f savings banks a t end-year 1960­<br />

19 9 2 ............................................................................... 231<br />

211. Balance sheet o f the co-operative banks a t end-year<br />

1960 -1992.................................................................... 232<br />

212. Balance sheet o f the Postipankki a t end-year 1960­<br />

1987 ............................................................................... 232<br />

213. Balance sheet o f mortgage banks a t end-year 1960­<br />

1991 ............................................................................... 233<br />

214. Loans by pawnbrokers' establishments, 1950-1991 233<br />

215. Markka-denominated bonds by main sector: Issues,<br />

redemptions and stock, 1983-1992 ........................ 234<br />

216. Transactions o f the Helsinki Stock Exchange, 1980­<br />

1 9 9 2 ............................................................................... 235<br />

o 217. Share in d ic e s ............................................................... 235<br />

Insurance<br />

218. Statutory pension insurance, 1991 .......................... 236<br />

219. Insurance institutions engaged in insurance a ctivities,<br />

1991 ...................................................................... 238<br />

220. Expenditure on pension benefits, 1987-1991.......... 239<br />

221. Pension beneficiaries by pension category and sex,<br />

1986-1991.................................................................... 240<br />

222. Pension beneficiaries as a percentage o f population<br />

by age, 1986-1991 ..................................................... 240<br />

223. Average pensions, 1987-1991 ................................. 241<br />

224. N ational pension insurance beneficiaries, 1970­<br />

1 9 9 2 ............................................................................... 241<br />

Page<br />

225. Pension beneficiaries as a percentage o f population,<br />

19 7 0 -1 9 9 2 .................................................................... 242<br />

226. National pension insurance beneficiaries as a percentage<br />

o f population by age and sex a t end-1992 242<br />

227. National pension insurance benefits in paym ent and<br />

benefit expenditure, by type o f benefit, 1985-1992 243<br />

228. D isability benefits, 1985-1992 ................................. 243<br />

229. N ational sickness insurance payments, 1987-1992 244<br />

230. Sickness and m aternity allowances under national<br />

sickness insurance, 1987-1992................................. 244<br />

231. Refunds o f m edical expenses under national sickness<br />

insurance, 1 9 87-1992........................................ 244<br />

232. Social Insurance Institution income, 1990-1992 .. 245<br />

233. Social Insurance Institution expenditure, 1990-1992 245<br />

234. Social Insurance Institution, funds and assets, 1988­<br />

1992 ............................................................................... 246<br />

235. Social Insurance Institution, investments, 1988­<br />

1992 ............................................................................... 246<br />

236. Benevolent funds, 1 9 86-1991................................... 247<br />

237. Assistance granted by benevolent funds, 1986-1991 247<br />

238. N on-life insurance provided by law, 1938-1991 .. 248<br />

239. Life assurance, 1975-1991 ....................................... 249<br />

240. Fire and other property insurance, 1975-1991 ___ 249<br />

241. Other voluntary insurance activity, 1980-1991___ 250<br />

Transport and com m unications<br />

242. Im port and export transports by mode o f transport,<br />

1 9 7 0 -1 9 9 2 .................................................................... 251<br />

243. Traffic network, 1960-1992 ..................................... 252<br />

244. Passenger transport capacity, 1960-1992 ............. 252<br />

245. Goods transport capacity, 1960-1992...................... 253<br />

246. Volume o f domestic passenger traffic, 1960-1992 253<br />

247. Volume o f domestic freight traffic, 1960-1992 . . . 253<br />

248. Traffic deaths, 1960-1991 .......................................... 254<br />

249. Road tra ffic accidents and persons kille da nd injured,<br />

1 9 6 0 -1 9 9 2 .................................................................... 254<br />

250. Public roads a t 1January 1965-<strong>1993</strong> ...................... 255<br />

251. Road traffic expenses o f the State, 1960-1992 ... 256<br />

252. Autom obiles by country o f production a t end-1992 256<br />

253. Traffic performances, 1960-1992 ............................. 257<br />

254. Registered ne w vehicles, 1960-1992 ...................... 257<br />

255. M o tor vehicles registered a t end year 1960-1992 258<br />

o 256. Driving licences, 1990-1992 ..................................... 259<br />

257. Railway netw ork and rolling stock o f State Railways,<br />

19 6 0 -1 9 9 2 .................................................................... 260<br />

258. Commercial transports by State Railways, 1960­<br />

1992 ............................................................................... 260<br />

259. Train tra ffic o f State Railways, 1960-1992 ........... 261<br />

260. Passenger tra ffic o f State Railways by type o f traffic,<br />

1 9 6 0 -1 9 9 2 .................................................................... 261<br />

261. Freight traffic o f State Railways, 1960-1992 ......... 262<br />

262. Railway economy, 1980-1992 ................................. 262<br />

263. Length o f coast and inland waterways, 1 9 9 2 ......... 263<br />

264. Traffic through canals, 1980-1992 .......................... 263<br />

265. Num ber o f passengers and passenger-kilometres on<br />

domestic waterways, 1960-1992 ............................ 264<br />

266. Goods carried on domestic waterways, 1960-1992 264<br />

267. Seaports, 1970-1992.................................................. 265<br />

268. Vessels arriving from abroad in Finnish harbours,<br />

1960-1992 .................................................................. 266<br />

269. Arrivals and departures o f vessels in direct naviga tion<br />

betw een <strong>Finland</strong> and foreign countries classified<br />

by nationality, 1960-1992 .......................................... 266<br />

270. Imports and exports by sea, 1960-1992 .................. 267

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