Finland Yearbook - 1993

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Finland Yearbook - 1993.pdf


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618<br />

- production gross value 160-164<br />

- production value added 160-165<br />

- products 172-173, *534-543<br />

- promotion o f industry, expenditure o f state<br />

290-291<br />

- raw m aterials 141-142, 160-164, 169,204<br />

- research 290-291,440-441<br />

- share in gross domestic product 278-280<br />

- share index 235, *550<br />

- State 158<br />

- turnover 147-149, 152-153, 158<br />

- volume index 170-171, *549-550<br />

- wages and salaries 160-164, 169,360,370,<br />

372<br />

- wastes 37, *547<br />

Inheritance and gifts, see Taxes<br />

Insurance, see also Accident insurance. Pensions,<br />

Social insurance and Social Insurance<br />

Institution<br />

- funeral benefits 247<br />

- insurance branches 236, 238, 248-250, 414­<br />

417. *588<br />

- insurance companies 236,238, 250<br />

- insurance establishments 238-239,241-247,<br />

249<br />

- loaning 246-247<br />

Internal trade 216-220<br />

Invalidity pensions, see Pensions<br />

Invalids, care o f 414-417<br />

Investments, see also Capital formation<br />

158,246-247,292<br />

Irrigation *529<br />

Islands 33, *491<br />

Joint-stock companies<br />

- bankruptcies 471<br />

- o f the State 158, 168-169<br />

- private 168-169<br />

- taxes 296<br />

Judicial separations 459<br />

Justice, see Courts, Crimes and Law enforcement<br />

Juvenile offenders 468<br />

Labour disputes 349-351<br />

Labour exchange 348, 414-417, *588<br />

Labour force, see Employment<br />

Labour force participation rate 336-337<br />

Labour market, see Working life<br />

Laid o ff 348<br />

Lakes 33,38, *491<br />

Land use 36<br />

Languages 48-70, 75-76, 94, *510<br />

Law enforcement, see also Courts and Crimes<br />

- assize courts 459-460,464-468<br />

- bankruptcies 471<br />

- cases settled 95-96, 459-460<br />

- circuits 40<br />

- civil la w cases 95-96,459-460<br />

- distraint 469<br />

- divorces 91, 95-96, 459<br />

- expenditure 287,290-291<br />

- marriage settlement 460<br />

- mortgage o f real estate 4 6 0 ,4 7 2<br />

- prisons administration 290-291,469<br />

- real estate mortages 460, 472<br />

- sentences 464-468<br />

- town courts 40<br />

Libraries 290-291, 452-454<br />

- loans 452-453<br />

- public libraries 452-453<br />

- special libraries 453-454<br />

- university libraries 453-454<br />

Life assurance 238, 249<br />

Life expectancy 103, *519<br />

Literature, published in <strong>Finland</strong> 451-452<br />

Livestock 123-124, *530<br />

Loaning, see Advances<br />

Local radio stations 443, 445<br />

Lock canals 263<br />

Lodgings 275-276<br />

Long-term reference rates 228<br />

Lutheran National Church 4 0 ,85<br />

M a lt beverages 172-173, 221, 288-289, 405,<br />

*534-543<br />

M arket rates 228<br />

Marriages 88-89,91-95, *515<br />

Marriage settlement 460<br />

M assm edia 443<br />

M aternity allowance 244, 247, 414-417, *588<br />

Matriculation examination 429<br />

M eadow and pasture 119, *526-528<br />

M ean age o f population 46-47<br />

M ean expectation of life 103, *519<br />

M ean population 88-89, *493-500, *515<br />

Media, see Mass media<br />

Medicines 244, 421<br />

Merchant fleet, see also Vessels 253,265-268,<br />

489, *566, *568<br />

- cargo vessels *566<br />

- oil tankers *566<br />

Midwives 421<br />

Migration 110-112<br />

M ilitary allowance 414-418<br />

M ilitary expenditure *589<br />

M ilitary protection *589<br />

M ilk production 123, 125, *534-543<br />

M ilk recording societies 123<br />

Mining and quarrying<br />

- by branch o f industry 160-163,166-167<br />

- employed 340,343,345-346, *516-517<br />

- enterprises 147-149<br />

- industrial accidents 352<br />

- share in gross domestic product 278-280<br />

- wages and salaries 360<br />

M onetary aggregates 227<br />

Mortgages o f real estate 460,472<br />

Mothers 98, 95<br />

Motive power, industrial 168<br />

M otor Insurers ' Bureau 238<br />

M otor vehicles, see Automobiles, Road Traffic<br />

and Transport<br />

M otor vehicles registered<br />

- by country o f production 256<br />

- professional 253,2 5 8<br />

Motorcycles 253, 257-258, *571<br />

Mountains *491<br />

Municipal courts 40, 459, 472<br />

Municipal elections, see Elections<br />

Municipalities<br />

- administrative divisions 40<br />

- area 48-69<br />

- building activity 189<br />

- by province 40,45, 70<br />

- degree o f urbanization 48-69<br />

- density o f population 48-69<br />

- elections 473, 479-481<br />

- finances 245, 247, 290-292, 298-334, 407,<br />

414-417<br />

- hospitals 419<br />

- household dwelling units 48-69<br />

- industrial structure 48-69<br />

- industry 165, 168-169<br />

- level of education 48-69<br />

- libraries 453<br />

- most industrialized 165<br />

- Municipal Pension Fund 238<br />

- num berof 40, 45, 70<br />

- official language 48-70<br />

- personnel 157<br />

- population 41, 43-45, 48-70, 91, 110-111,<br />

*501-509<br />

- population changes 48-69<br />

- social welfare 298-317,333,414-417, *588<br />

- taxes 294-296,298-333<br />

- towns 40, 43-45, 48-69, 112, 298-317, 322­<br />

332, *501-509<br />

- trade 220<br />

- urban districts 112<br />

- wage and salary earners 168-169,340,364­<br />

365<br />

- wages and salaries 361-363,366-369<br />

Municipal Pension Fund 238<br />

Municipal taxes, see Taxes<br />

Municipal wastes 37, *547<br />

M urders and manslaughters 107, 462-465,<br />

*524-525<br />

National accounts 277-286<br />

- external transactions 286<br />

- gross domestic product 277-282, *575-577<br />

- gross fixed capital formation 277,284-286<br />

National income 282-283, *575<br />

Nationalparks 36<br />

Nature parks 36<br />

Newspapers 271,449-450, *593<br />

Newsprint, consumption *591<br />

Nitrogen emissions 39, *546<br />

Nuclear power 174-177, *533, *544-545<br />

Ocean transport, see W ater transport<br />

OECD countries 212, *544, *546-547, *578-579<br />

Official language ofmunicipalities 48-70<br />

Old-age and invalidity pensions 236, 239-243,<br />

247, 414-417, *588<br />

Old-age homes 414-417<br />

Paper, consumption *591<br />

Parishes 40<br />

Parliamentary elections, see Elections<br />

Parties 450, 476, 478, 480-481<br />

Part-time employees 338<br />

Passenger traffic, see Transport ( - passenger<br />

trafficI<br />

Patents 442<br />

Pawnbroker's establishments 233<br />

Payments o f maintenance 414-418<br />

Pension assurance 236, 238-239,241-243,245<br />

Pensioners 86-87<br />

Pensions, see also Insurance<br />

- front-veterans pensions 239,241-243<br />

- invalidity pensions 236, 239-243, 247, 414­<br />

417, *588<br />

- national pensions 239-243,414-417, *588<br />

- old-age pensions 236, 239-241, 247, 414­<br />

417, *588<br />

- orphan's benefit 240-241,243<br />

- pension assurance provided by la w 236,<br />

*588<br />

- pension institutes 236, 238,2 4 6 -2 4 7 ,2 49<br />

- state expenditure on pensions 290-292,414­<br />

417<br />

- survirors'pensions 236,241-243<br />

- unemployment pensions 236, 240-241,243<br />

- war cripples 414-417<br />

- widows 240-241,243, *588<br />

Periodicals 443, 449<br />

Pesticides 127, *529<br />

Pharmacies 216-219, 421<br />

- payments 288-289,294-295<br />

- pharmacy personnel, earning 372<br />

- prescriptions 421<br />

- sales 216-219, 421<br />

Pharmacists 361-363, 372<br />

Phonograms 443, 449<br />

Physicians 421<br />

Population, see also Industries ( - population!<br />

and Vital Statistics<br />

- according to domicile registers 40<br />

- age and sex 46-69, 72, 74, 84, 85-87, 342­<br />

343, 487, *512-514<br />

- by industry 77,341, 343, 345-346<br />

- by municipality 41-45, 48-70, 486

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