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makes some very important points about this<br />

biblical directive:<br />

Referring to the words used by Paul to the<br />

Ephesians, Ellen White gives an example of how a<br />

parent provokes her child:<br />

We encourage you to spend time reading the<br />

48th chapter of that book where Ellen White tells<br />

us as parents not to be too harsh in the way we<br />

discipline our children, not to continually censure<br />

our children, not to be arbitrary with our course of<br />

action, and much more.<br />

SERMON<br />

“Often we do more to provoke than to<br />

win. I have seen a mother snatch from<br />

the hand of her child something that<br />

was giving it special pleasure. The child<br />

did not know the reason for this, and<br />

naturally felt abused. Then followed<br />

a quarrel between parent and child,<br />

and a sharp chastisement ended the<br />

scene as far as outward appearance was<br />

concerned; but that battle left an<br />

impression on the tender mind that<br />

would not be easily effaced. This mother<br />

acted unwisely. She did not reason from<br />

cause to effect. Her harsh, injudicious<br />

action stirred the worst passions in<br />

the heart of her child, and on every<br />

similar occasion these passions would be<br />

aroused and strengthened.”<br />

White, 1954<br />

Sometimes parents devote too much time<br />

finding fault in their children for everything they do.<br />

Listen to these words:<br />

“You have no right to bring a gloomy<br />

cloud over the happiness of your<br />

children by faultfinding or severe<br />

censure for trifling mistakes. Actual<br />

wrong should be made to appear just<br />

as sinful as it is, and a firm, decided<br />

course should be pursued to prevent<br />

its recurrence; yet children should<br />

not be left in a hopeless state of<br />

mind, but with a degree of courage<br />

that they can improve and gain your<br />

confidence and approval. Children<br />

may wish to do right, they may purpose<br />

in their hearts to be obedient; but<br />

they need help and encouragement.”<br />

White, 1954, p. 279<br />

I love those words at the end: “Children may wish<br />

to do right, they may purpose in their hearts to be<br />

obedient; but they need help and encouragement.”<br />

Conclusion<br />

There are many more directives in the Bible to<br />

teach us how we should relate to one another as<br />

parents and children.<br />

Today we only looked at four.<br />

To children, the Bible says: “Honor your father<br />

and your mother,” and “obey your parents.”<br />

To parents, the Bible says: “Train your children,”<br />

and “Don’t exasperate them.”<br />

God desires that we may have good, healthy,<br />

positive relationships with our children. He wants us<br />

to reflect the relationship we have with Him.<br />



SERMON]<br />

A story is told of a man who came home from<br />

work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old<br />

son waiting for him at the door. Their conversation<br />

went like this:<br />

SON: “Daddy, may I ask you a question?”<br />

DAD: “Yeah sure, what is it?” replied the man.<br />

SON: “Daddy, how much do you make an<br />

hour?”<br />

DAD: “That’s none of your business. Why do you<br />

ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.<br />

SON: “I just want to know. Please tell me, how<br />

much do you make an hour?”<br />

DAD: “If you must know, I make 30 dollars an<br />

hour.”<br />

SON: “Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head<br />

down.<br />

SON: “Daddy, may I please borrow a dollar?”<br />

The father was furious and with anger in his<br />

voice he told his boy, “If the only reason you asked<br />

that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly<br />

toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself<br />

straight to your room right this moment.”<br />

17<br />


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