My two little nieces are giggling with each other, building their “old” snowman. However severe winter is, it brings something miraculous to little kids. They are excited to go around, showing off their colorful new winter clothes. They look like pretty bears with the wool gloves and hat that their grandmother knitted for them. And the happiness of an adult like me is watching them and seeing enjoyment sparkle in their eyes. I love curling up in a small corner of Hanoi, sipping a cup of hot chocolate with sweet marshmallow. Just a sip can warm up your entire winter. This winter, my family is travelling to a foreign country in which winter is far different from that in Hanoi. Outside the hotel, where my children are playing, snow has already covered the entire roof, putting its white coat on the land, trees, and fields. And who doesn’t love snow? But suddenly I miss my Hanoi with bitter winds which usually chill while I am strolling down narrow streets. Losing my train of thoughts, when I look back, the children have finished their snowman and start playing with snowflakes in various shapes. I just relax and silently take in the winter far from home. And you, have you prepared for your winder journey? Don’t hesitate to share it with us!

My two little nieces are giggling with each other, building their “old” snowman. However severe winter is, it brings something miraculous to little kids. They are excited to go around, showing off their colorful new winter clothes. They look like pretty bears with the wool gloves and hat that their grandmother knitted for them. And the happiness of an adult like me is watching them and seeing enjoyment sparkle in their eyes.
I love curling up in a small corner of Hanoi, sipping a cup of hot chocolate with sweet marshmallow. Just a sip can warm up your entire winter. This winter, my family is travelling to a foreign country in which winter is far different from that in Hanoi. Outside the hotel, where my children are playing, snow has already covered the entire roof, putting its white coat on the land, trees, and fields. And who doesn’t love snow? But suddenly I miss my Hanoi with bitter winds which usually chill while I am strolling down narrow streets.
Losing my train of thoughts, when I look back, the children have finished their snowman and start playing with snowflakes in various shapes. I just relax and silently take in the winter far from home.
And you, have you prepared for your winder journey? Don’t hesitate to share it with us!


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ßi“u th˘c s˘ l´i cuËn vµ †n t≠Óng trong<br />

l‘ hÈi nµy lµ t´i c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc hi”u nhi“u<br />

Æi“u v“ con ng≠Íi trn sa mπc, hi”u v“ mÈt<br />

rajasthan nguyn b∂n Æ«y sæc mµu.<br />

T´i ch≠a tıng nh◊n th†y mÈt loµi ÆÈng vÀt nµo Æi“m t‹nh nh≠<br />

lπc Ƶ. Ch›nh khu´n m∆t vµ d∏ng vŒ cÒa chÛng Æ∑ lµm nn<br />

tinh th«n vµ sæc th∏i cÒa sa mπc - mÈt chÛt g◊ Æ„ ƨn gi∂n<br />

nh≠ng c¯ng c∏p. T´i c„ th” Ưng ngæm nh◊n hµng giÍ mÈt<br />

Ƶn lπc Ƶ, quan s∏t vµ læng nghe nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n mua<br />

b∏n cÒa nh˜ng l∏i bu´n, c∏ch h‰ l˘a ch‰n lπc Ƶ ra sao, tr∂<br />

gi∏ th’ nµo, m‰i th¯ Æ“u Æi“m t‹nh mÈt c∏ch Æ∆c bi÷t, kh´ng<br />

h“ n∏o ÆÈng.<br />

N’u bπn muËn bi’t mÈt qu˝ ´ng Rajasthan th˘c s˘ nh≠<br />

th’ nµo, h∑y nh◊n vµo nh˜ng chi’c turban (kh®n qu†n Æ«u)<br />

truy“n thËng Æ∆c tr≠ng, bÈ ria (mustache) cong vÛt, d∏ng Æi<br />

g«y guÈc nh≠ng ræn chæc cÔng nh˜ng con lπc Ƶ cÒa h‰. Khi<br />

Æ„, bπn sœ hi”u tinh th«n sa mπc cÒa h‰ ƨn gi∂n nh≠ng quÀt<br />

c≠Íng ra sao.<br />

Rajasthan c„ th” kh´ cªn bÎi n„ lµ hi÷n di÷n cÒa mÈt thÍi<br />

hoµng kim v≠¨n ln tı trong lflng c∏t, th’ nh≠ng trong cuÈc<br />

sËng th≠Íng ngµy cÒa ng≠Íi d©n n¨i Æ©y, bπn sœ kh´ng bao<br />

giÍ t◊m th†y mÈt mµu sæc nhπt nhœo hay u tËi nµo. N„ cÚng<br />

ƨn gi∂n nh≠ ch›nh nh˜ng bÈ trang phÙc truy“n thËng hay<br />

nh˜ng chi’c turban Æ«y mµu sæc mµ h‰ v…n th≠Íng m∆c.<br />

L‘ hÈi lπc Ƶ tπi Pushkar cÚng lµ l‘ hÈi Æ«u tin Î ƒn ßÈ mµ<br />

ng≠Íi ta tÊ ch¯c ra kh´ng ph∂i v◊ thÍ mÈt vfi th«n, mµ lµ mÈt<br />

l‘ hÈi dµnh ring cho lπc Ƶ vµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi nu´i lπc Ƶ Î sa<br />

mπc. BÎi ƨn gi∂n, lπc Ƶ ch›nh lµ linh hÂn cÒa sa mπc, lµ vfi<br />

th«n cÒa nh˜ng vÔng Ɔt c∏t bÙi xa x´i cÒa Rajasthan.<br />

Th§ng Tin Th£M<br />

S# KIåN:<br />

ü L‘ hÈi lπc Ƶ Pushkar n®m nay<br />

di‘n ra trong th∏ng <strong>11</strong> vÌi nh˜ng ngµy<br />

kh∏c nhau mÁi n®m<br />

ü Hµnh tr◊nh: Tı Vi÷t Nam,<br />

bπn bay theo chuy’n bay cÒa Thai<br />

Airways tÌi New Delhi. Tı Delhi,<br />

bπn Æi Volvo bus thºng tÌi Pushkar<br />

(9 ti’ng). Ho∆c Æi tµu theo hµnh tr◊nh<br />

New Delhi - Ajmer, sau Æ„ tı Ajmer<br />

Æi taxi hay bus tÌi Pushkar (30 phÛt).<br />

¬M Th#c:<br />

ü Rajasthani Thali: ß©y lµ mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng nh†t cÒa<br />

Rajasthan mµ bπn kh´ng th” kh´ng<br />

th≠Îng th¯c khi tÌi Æ©y.<br />

ü Ngoµi ra bπn nn thˆ nh˜ng m„n<br />

®n Æ∆c tr≠ng kh∏c Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n vÌi<br />

r†t nhi“u “ghee” (b¨ tı s˜a tr©u, b)<br />

vµ kh∏ cay nh≠: Dal baati churma, Laal<br />

maas, Gatte ki khichdi.<br />

ü N’u lµ t›n ÆÂ cÒa ÆÂ ng‰t, bπn<br />

kh´ng th” b· qua ÆÂ ng‰t nÊi ti’ng<br />

cÒa Rajasthan: Mawa kachori, Dil<br />

khushal, Churma ladoo.<br />

LU ≥ KHÉC:<br />

ü ThÍi ti’t: Tuy Rajasthan lµ mÈt<br />

vÔng kh› hÀu n„ng, nh≠ng ban Æm<br />

vµ s∏ng sÌm vµo thÍi Æi”m nµy sœ r†t<br />

lπnh. Bπn nn mang theo ∏o kho∏c,<br />

∏o len vµ kh®n †m.<br />

ü V◊ Æ©y lµ dp l‘ hÈi trong Æπo<br />

Hindu, nn Î Pushkar dp nµy, c∏c cˆa<br />

hµng kh´ng b∏n ÆÂ ®n m∆n, chÿ c„<br />

ÆÂ ®n chay.<br />

ü N’u bπn lµ ng≠Íi yu th›ch nhi’p<br />

∂nh, bπn nn dÀy thÀt sÌm (4 - 5h<br />

s∏ng) Æ” tÌi khu bu´n b∏n lπc Ƶ v◊<br />

Æ©y lµ thÍi Æi”m Æãp nh†t vµ nhi“u lπc<br />

Ƶ nh†t trong ngµy. Chi“u tËi cÚng lµ<br />

mÈt thÍi Æi”m Æãp trong l‘ hÈi nµy<br />

(Æıng qun mang theo tripod).<br />

ü Tuy÷t ÆËi kh´ng chÙp ∂nh<br />

Î khu v˘c Æ“n thÍ xung quanh hÂ<br />

Pushkar v◊ Æ©y lµ n¨i c∏c t›n ÆÂ Æπo<br />

Hindu tÌi Æ” tæm rˆa sau khi lµm l‘.<br />

ü H∑y dµnh 1 ngµy Æ” dπo quanh th<br />

tr†n nh· Pushkar, bπn sœ t◊m Æ≠Óc<br />

nhi“u m„n ÆÂ mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch<br />

Rajasthan.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 131

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