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Drama<br />

What you will study:<br />

In Year 7 the work starts with the training of mime skills, and these include<br />

movement, gesture, body language and facial expression. These are vital tools in<br />

conveying characters, feelings and emotions. The voice work is then developed<br />

with vocal exercises and script reading. Use of pitch, tone, pace and timing are<br />

also important to enable these characters to come to life. You will finish the<br />

year with a short presentation of your work.<br />

In Year 8 script work is now developed to include writing your own scripts where<br />

you will be asked to think about a number of issues such as homelessness or<br />

being alone. The strategies and techniques learnt in Year 7 will be incorporated<br />

within these scripts and performed during class lessons. The devising process<br />

will be more challenging and be a combination of scripted and improvised work.<br />

You will also study a Shakespeare play using a variety of dramatic techniques to<br />

explore characters and themes. Script work or a full length play, where you have<br />

to interpret characters through voice and movement, will be the final<br />

presentation of the year.<br />

In Year 9 you will look at presenting Drama in different forms and medium, i.e.<br />

television, pantomimes, global issues such as bullying, terrorism, war etc. Stimuli<br />

from photographs, films, poetry and scripts will be used in this context. This will<br />

involve research, developing a script, rehearsing and performing. This will bring<br />

you to an understanding of history, as well as broaching subjects that are<br />

relevant to our times. You will create and design your own pantomimes for<br />

performance to the Junior School. You will also study a full length script and<br />

interpret characters through voice and movement techniques as well as using<br />

staging strategies learnt in Years 7 and 8.<br />

Teaching approaches:<br />

Drama is obviously a very practical subject. Therefore, it is really important to<br />

have the discipline to listen carefully to instructions and directions from the<br />

teacher. Drama involves team work, sharing and offering ideas and supporting<br />

each other during the devising process. Also, you will require the discipline to<br />

work through rehearsals and improve and develop your performance skills<br />

further. There will be workshops on lighting, make-up, and physical theatre for<br />

most groups and the opportunity to perform in front of an audience as well as<br />

the chance to see live theatre.<br />

How you will be assessed:<br />

Whilst learning important skills for putting on plays, Drama is vital in helping you<br />

to increase your confidence and communication skills. This is achieved with small<br />

presentations in class and to students and parents. During the course, you will be<br />

very active in the lessons. Your homework will be based on the skills learnt and<br />


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