Travellive 5 - 2018

Dear valued readers, Summer is no doubt the most fun and vibrant season of the year, when you can enjoy long vacations to pristine beaches or explore nature’s magnificent beauty. It is also the perfect season for families to spend quality time together, and expand your children's views of the world by taking them to places where they can discover new things. Travellive invites you to welcome back Mr. Harry Trung, his loving family and their little girl in their amazing 30-day journey in Cat Ba. We have also picked out a list of stunning coastal resorts for you and your family to enjoy this summer. Summer is also the perfect time for more adventurous travelers to go on long journeys to far-flung corners of the Earth. Join two friends in their incredible cycling trip through Central Asian Tajikistan to conquer a famous moutain range known as “the roof of the world". But perhaps, the height of any mountain or the depth of any abyss is nothing compared to the vast spaces of one’s soul and heart. Follow the journey of travel blogger Huyen Chi to Phuktal, where she touched the heart of Northern India – a mysterious spiritual world hidden deep within the majestic Himalayas. We wish you a fantastic summer. EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear valued readers,
Summer is no doubt the most fun and vibrant season of the year, when you can enjoy long vacations to pristine beaches or explore nature’s magnificent beauty. It is also the perfect season for families to spend quality time together, and expand your children's views of the world by taking them to places where they can discover new things.
Travellive invites you to welcome back Mr. Harry Trung, his loving family and their little girl in their amazing 30-day journey in Cat Ba. We have also picked out a list of stunning coastal resorts for you and your family to enjoy this summer.
Summer is also the perfect time for more adventurous travelers to go on long journeys to far-flung corners of the Earth. Join two friends in their incredible cycling trip through Central Asian Tajikistan to conquer a famous moutain range known as “the roof of the world". But perhaps, the height of any mountain or the depth of any abyss is nothing compared to the vast spaces of one’s soul and heart. Follow the journey of travel blogger Huyen Chi to Phuktal, where she touched the heart of Northern India – a mysterious spiritual world hidden deep within the majestic Himalayas.
We wish you a fantastic summer.


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78<br />


Zanskar hoang s¨<br />

T´i Æ’n Zanskar vµ c∂m gi∏c nh≠<br />

Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh vµo khung c∂nh<br />

hÔng v‹ cÒa nh˜ng d∑y nÛi cao<br />

vµ thung lÚng Suru. Zanskar lµ<br />

mÈt ph«n cÒa Ladakh, Æ≠Óc m÷nh<br />

danh lµ Ti”u T©y Tπng, thuÈc<br />

bang Jammu & Kashmir (J&K),<br />

vÌi ph›a T©y gi∏p Pakistan, ph›a<br />

ß´ng vµ Bæc gi∏p T©y Tπng. J&K<br />

tıng chinh phÙc tr∏i tim mÈt<br />

vfi vua ƒn, khi’n ngµi ≠u ∏i g‰i<br />

n¨i Æ©y lµ "thin Æ≠Íng hπ giÌi".<br />

Qu∂ thÀt, J&K vıa dfiu dµng nh≠<br />

n≠Ìc h xanh thºm, vıa hÔng v‹<br />

nh≠ s´ng b®ng, nÛi tuy’t thuÈc<br />

Himalaya, vıa hoang dπi nh≠<br />

nh˜ng dflng s´ng ch∂y xi’t, vıa<br />

tr«m læng nh≠ nh˜ng tu vi÷n<br />

trn s≠Ín nÛi, vıa l∑ng mπn nh≠<br />

nh˜ng thung lÚng phÒ l∏ vµng.<br />

Tı Leh, thÒ phÒ vÔng Ladakh,<br />

t´i Æ’n Zanskar khi hµnh tr◊nh<br />

Î Bæc ƒn Æ∑ qua h¨n nˆa. Leh<br />

c∏ch Kargil, cˆa ng‚ vµo Zanskar,<br />

chıng 220 km vµ b∂y ti’ng Æi xe.<br />

Sau mÈt Æm ngÒ lπi Kargil, chÛng<br />

t´i Æi thm h¨n m≠Íi hai ti’ng,<br />

trn 240 km Æ≠Íng nÛi hi”m trÎ<br />

mÌi Æ’n Æ≠Óc Padum.<br />

Padum trong<br />

thung lÚng cao<br />

Padum nªm s©u trong vÔng<br />

Zanskar th«n b›, hoang s¨ nh†t<br />

ƒn ßÈ vµ lµ mÈt thfi tr†n nh·, hŒo<br />

l∏nh, nªm g«n ng∑ ba s´ng Doda,<br />

Tsarap vµ Zanskar, trn vÔng<br />

lflng ch∂o cao h¨n m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n<br />

3.600m, bao quanh bÎi c∏c Æÿnh<br />

nÛi bπc Æ«u. Nh˜ng Æÿnh nÛi nh‰n<br />

hoæt, hªn d†u thÍi gian, gi„ vµ<br />

b®ng tuy’t.<br />

Padum Î trung t©m Zanskar, vÌi<br />

d©n sË kho∂ng g«n mÈt ngh◊n<br />

ng≠Íi. Ph«n lÌn vÔng Zanskar<br />

theo Æπo PhÀt, nh≠ng giËng nh≠<br />

Kargil, Padum nªm d≠Ìi s˘ qu∂n<br />

l˝ cÒa ng≠Íi HÂi gi∏o dflng Sunni.<br />

ô Æ©y, PhÀt gi∏o vµ HÂi gi∏o cÔng<br />

song song tÂn tπi.<br />

Tn thfi tr†n Padum Æ≠Óc Æ∆t theo<br />

Padmasambhava - Lin Hoa Sinh<br />

(sinh ra tı hoa sen), mÈt trong<br />

hai vfi cao t®ng Æ∑ truy“n PhÀt gi∏o<br />

ƒn ßÈ sang T©y Tπng. PhÀt gi∏o<br />

ƒn ßÈ khi Æ’n T©y Tπng Æ∑ giao<br />

thoa vÌi Æπo Bön l©u ÆÍi cÒa ng≠Íi<br />

Tπng, tπo nn PhÀt gi∏o T©y Tπng<br />

r†t ring bi÷t, mang mµu sæc phäp<br />

thuÀt, th«n linh h¨n. PhÀt gi∏o T©y<br />

Tπng sau Æ„ Æ∑ theo ch©n nh˜ng<br />

ng≠Íi Tπng di c≠ trÎ lπi Ladakh.<br />

PhÀt gi∏o Ladakh v◊ th’ mang<br />

∂nh h≠Îng r†t lÌn cÒa T©y Tπng,<br />

vµ c„ hai dflng ch›nh lµ Drugpa<br />

(HÂng Mπo Gi∏o - ph∏i MÚ Æ·) vµ<br />

Gelugpa (Hoµng Mπo Gi∏o - ph∏i<br />

MÚ Vµng). VÔng Zanskar cÚng<br />

kh´ng ph∂i ngoπi l÷.<br />

ChÛng t´i Î lπi Padum vµi ngµy Æ”<br />

th®m thÛ v´ sË lµng mπc, tu vi÷n,<br />

tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› trong trŒo<br />

thanh b◊nh cÒa Zanskar, rÂi ln<br />

Æ≠Íng trekking vµo Phuktal. Bao<br />

nhiu m÷t m·i sau nh˜ng ch∆ng<br />

Æ≠Íng dµi Æ“u bay bi’n h’t khi<br />

Æ≠Óc th∂nh th¨i ngÂi trn bÀu cˆa<br />

mÈt tu vi÷n cÊ ngh◊n n®m, cheo<br />

leo trn v∏ch nÛi. Tr≠Ìc m∆t lµ<br />

kho∂ng kh´ng rÈng lÌn. Bn d≠Ìi,<br />

mÈt dflng n≠Ìc uËn l≠Ón, len gi˜a<br />

vµi m∏i nhµ vµ nh˜ng v≠Ín c©y.<br />

Ph›a xa in b„ng r∆ng Zanskar chÀp<br />

chÔng tuy’t træng. T†t c∂ Æ“u t‹nh<br />

l∆ng, chÿ c„ ti’ng gi„ r›t qua khe<br />

cˆa lµm bªng gÁ, ti’ng d∂i cÍ lÀt<br />

phÀt gi˜a s©n vµ ti’ng l∏ va vµo<br />

nhau lao xao. T´i yu vµ tr©n tr‰ng<br />

gi©y phÛt nµy bi’t m†y.<br />

Tı Padum Æi Phuktal<br />

Ngµy h´m sau, chÛng t´i rÍi<br />

Padum tı chπng vπng Æ” Æi<br />

Phuktal. Phuktal lµ mÈt tu vi÷n cÊ<br />

cÒa ph∏i Gelugpa, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng<br />

tı th’ kÿ th¯ 12 bªng vÀt li÷u th´<br />

s¨, chÒ y’u lµ bÔn vµ gÁ. Phuktal<br />

c„ mÈt vfi th’ Æ∆c bi÷t, th∂ m◊nh tı<br />

mÈt hang ÆÈng t˘ nhin, lˆng l¨<br />

b∏m vµo hŒm nÛi bn trn s´ng<br />

Tsarap. Tu vi÷n ngµy nay lµ n¨i c≠<br />

ngÙ cÒa t∏m m≠¨i vfi s≠ nh≠ng lπi<br />

bi÷t lÀp vÌi th’ giÌi bn ngoµi.<br />

Tı Padum, l∏i xe Kunga Æ≠a<br />

chÛng t´i v≠Ót qu∑ng Æ≠Íng h¨n<br />

hai ti’ng r≠Ïi Æ’n lµng Anmu c∏ch<br />

Padum 30 km.

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