July 2018

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!


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is full of all the external practises<br />

required of them. Although<br />

Jesus taught often of His inner<br />

relationship with His father; “The<br />

Father who is in me He does the<br />

works” (John 5:19). “Do you not<br />

believe that I am in the Father<br />

and the Father in me?” (John<br />

14:10) - for the disciples it was<br />

still an external relationship for<br />

most of their time with Jesus. It<br />

was only as the time for His crucifixion<br />

drew near that He began<br />

to teach them of an internal relationship<br />

for them. “The Spirit<br />

of truth whom the world cannot<br />

receive, because it neither sees<br />

Him or knows Him: but you know<br />

Him, for He dwells with you and<br />

will be in you” (John 14:17).<br />

He prayed to the Father that they<br />

might have that inner relationship.<br />

“That they all may be one,<br />

as you, Father, are in Me, and I<br />

in you; that they also may be one<br />

in Us, that the world may believe<br />

that you sent me” (John 17:21).<br />

The change between the Old<br />

Testament relationship and the<br />

New came soon after Jesus’ resurrection<br />

from the dead. “When<br />

He had said this, He showed<br />

then His hands and His side.<br />

Then the disciples were glad<br />

when they saw the Lord. So, Jesus<br />

said to them again, peace to<br />

you! As the Father has sent Me,<br />

even so send I you. And when<br />

He had said this, He breathed on<br />

them, and said to them receive<br />

the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the<br />

sins of any they are forgiven<br />

them; if you retain the sins of any,<br />

they are retained”. (John 20:21-<br />

23) Suddenly they are thrust into<br />

a new inner relationship with the<br />

Father, and a responsibility to do<br />

the works of God through that<br />

relationship. God’s prophecy to<br />

Jeremiah is fulfilled. “But this is<br />

the covenant I will make with the<br />

house of Israel after those days,<br />

says the Lord; I will put My law in<br />

their minds, and write it on their<br />

hearts; and I will be their God,<br />

and they shall be My people”<br />

(Jer 31:33).<br />

More than an inner relationship<br />

– and this is my point – the disciples<br />

received a transferred life.<br />

They had become a new creation<br />

– they were now Christ people<br />

- 24 hours a day, seven days a<br />

week. Paul explained this life as<br />

the basic result of the Gospel.<br />

“For the love of Christ compels<br />

us, because we thus judge: that<br />

if one died for all, then have all<br />

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