July 2018

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!


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me many times, while we waited<br />

for the school bus:<br />

“Blessed is the one who does<br />

not walk in step with the wicked<br />

or stand in the way that sinners<br />

take or sit in the company<br />

of mockers, but whose delight is<br />

in the law of the Lord, and who<br />

meditates on his law day and<br />

night. That person is like a tree<br />

planted by streams of water,<br />

which yields its fruit in season<br />

and whose leaf does not wither—whatever<br />

they do prospers.”<br />

It’s likely I had heard the story of<br />

Adam and Eve by that time, but<br />

my strongest memory does not<br />

involve learning the Bible front to<br />

back. My strongest early memory<br />

of God’s word was being gently<br />

told I could choose my companions,<br />

God’s way is delightful,<br />

and I would prosper in my season.<br />

These were lessons I could<br />

use, and they made me want to<br />

know more.<br />

Later, when I began my own daily<br />

devotional time, I didn’t know<br />

where to start. As a child, I’d read<br />

Psalms and Proverbs because<br />

Mom encouraged me to. When<br />

she wasn’t sitting beside me, the<br />

thin pages were silent. Frustrated,<br />

I prayed the most powerful<br />

prayer I’ve ever prayed. “Lord,<br />

give me hunger for Your Word.”<br />

God answered that prayer. I became<br />

ravenous, but there is an<br />

endless buffet of truth in those<br />

66 books. Where was I to begin?<br />

Whether daily Bible study is a<br />

habit you’re beginning, or one<br />

that’s grown old, it’s about to become<br />

a lively time of connection<br />

with your Creator. Pray for hunger<br />

and choose from the following<br />

methods.<br />

Daily Devotional Studies<br />

This may be the most popular<br />

method. Your local Christian<br />

bookstore should have a variety<br />

of daily devotional books which<br />

include scripture, discussions<br />

and prompts for prayer and action.<br />

I believe in this study method<br />

so much I wrote Wisdom –<br />

Better than Wishing, a 31-day<br />

devotional based on the book<br />

of Proverbs. I even created a<br />

course so others can learn to<br />

write their own devotional books.<br />

For new study plans ranging<br />

from 3 to 365 days, check out the<br />

Youversion Bible App. At church<br />

or online, you can also get the<br />

tiny but timeless devotional, Our<br />

Daily Bread.<br />

Because they connect ancient<br />

text with modern examples, devotional<br />

studies can make old<br />

stories come alive again. The<br />

prayer and action prompts can<br />

spark an all-day conversation<br />

with the Lord. If you’ve been<br />

reading the Bible for years, you<br />

may notice certain verses recycled<br />

over and over again. If that’s<br />

the case, it might be time to read<br />

the rest of the Word.<br />

The Bible in a Year<br />

You could start at Genesis 1<br />

and try to read straight through<br />

to Revelation 22. Lots of people<br />

do it, but remember the saying,<br />

“Hindsight is 20/20?” The saying<br />

means it’s easier to understand<br />

events when you’re looking<br />

back at the complete story.<br />

The Old Testament is easier to<br />

understand when you’re reading<br />

the New Testament alongside it.<br />

For that reason, Biblegateway.<br />

com offers the M’Cheyne plan,<br />

in which each day’s reading includes<br />

some Old Testament and<br />

some New, as well as some<br />

Psalms or part of the Gospels<br />

each day. Like us, our Creator<br />

has a multi-faceted personality.<br />

Using this combination approach,<br />

we get insight into the<br />

whole Holy Person, and into ourselves.<br />

The plan aims to take the reader<br />

through the whole Bible in one<br />

year, but take two or three years<br />

if you need to. Have you ever set<br />

a weight loss or savings goal?<br />

Perhaps you gritted your teeth<br />

until you reached your goal—<br />

and then regained the weight<br />

or found yourself in debt by the<br />

following year. Permanent physical<br />

or financial health don’t come<br />

from setting a time frame and a<br />

single goal. They come when we<br />

incorporate healthy eating, exercise<br />

or budgeting into our days<br />

as long as we live.<br />

Spiritual health works the same<br />

way. Decide to incorporate time<br />

in prayer and the Word every<br />

day for the rest of your life. Then<br />

read an appropriate amount<br />

each day. What’s an appropriate<br />

amount? That depends on what<br />

God wants to show you. Start by<br />

praying, “Lord, cleanse my mind<br />

of distractions and sin. My time<br />

is Yours. Show me what You’d<br />

like me to see today.”<br />

Read until you see it. A verse<br />

might stand out, you might identify<br />

with a particular character, or<br />

you might find yourself thanking<br />

God or giving Him something<br />

that’s bugging you. Each day is<br />

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