July 2018

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!


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tomatically think of singing praises,<br />

but worship is more than just<br />

singing. Worship incorporates<br />

acts such as prayer (Matthew<br />

6:9), obedience (John 14:15), offerings/tithes<br />

(Provers 3:9) and<br />

serving (Colossians 3:23). And<br />

even more than just individual<br />

acts of worship, our whole life is<br />

to be an act of worship (Romans<br />

12:1).<br />

In 1 Chronicles 16:28-30a it<br />

says, “Ascribe to the Lord, all<br />

you families of nations, ascribe<br />

to the Lord glory and strength.<br />

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due<br />

his name; bring an offering and<br />

come before him. Worship the<br />

Lord in the splendor of his holiness.<br />

Tremble before him, all the<br />

earth!” It is noteworthy that nowhere<br />

in these verses (nor any<br />

other verses in all of the Bible),<br />

does it say to ascribe greatness<br />

to God ‘when you are in the<br />

mood’; or when you are ‘feeling<br />

it’. It is a pure command with no<br />

qualification needed. God is to<br />

be glorified.<br />

Why does our whole life need to<br />

be an act of worship? Because<br />

we are told that we are to bring<br />

glory to God in all that we do<br />

– “So whether you eat or drink<br />

or whatever you do, do it all for<br />

the glory of God” (1 Corinthians<br />

10:31 NIV). So, keeping in mind<br />

what worship is and why we<br />

should worship, how do we get<br />

to that point when we just aren’t<br />

feeling it?<br />

In these times when you are<br />

struggling to ‘feel it’, you need to<br />

reflect on what is going on for you<br />

in your heart and your thoughts.<br />

Is your job, money, relationships<br />

or circumstances dominating? Is<br />

it possible they have become an<br />

idol? This means that God is not<br />

the highest priority in your life.<br />

If this is what’s happened, then<br />

worshiping God in spirit and in<br />

truth (John 4:24) is going to be<br />

difficult. In the Ten Commandments,<br />

God commands that you<br />

are to have no other gods before<br />

Him (Exodus 20:3). If you are to<br />

truly obey this commandment,<br />

God needs to be placed at the<br />

very top of your priorities, irrespective<br />

of what’s going on in<br />

your life.<br />

It is also difficult to worship God<br />

if we don’t really understand His<br />

might and His power. An obvious<br />

way to really bring your perspective<br />

of God back to where it<br />

should be, is to meditate on His<br />

attributes. It is therefore paramount<br />

to immerse yourself in His<br />

Word. There are many verses in<br />

the Bible about God’s attributes,<br />

but you can’t go past the Psalms<br />

for detailed imagery. Psalm<br />

29 is an example of this, painting<br />

a majestic picture of God.<br />

It talks about His strength and<br />

His splendour. It describes very<br />

well how majestic His voice is,<br />

that even the desert shakes and<br />

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