July 2018

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!

We tackle common issues with prayer, our relationship with God, and, for mature believers, take you to a whole new level in your prayer life!


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left, your ears will hear a voice<br />

behind you, saying, “This is the<br />

way; walk in it.”<br />

We can tune our spirits by<br />

spending time each day away<br />

from busy-ness, giving our attention<br />

to Him. Focusing on Someone<br />

you don’t yet know very<br />

well, who is invisible, can be a<br />

challenge. Start your daily connection<br />

time by praying, “Lord,<br />

forgive me of my sins. Open my<br />

eyes to see what You’re trying to<br />

show me.” Then read the Bible<br />

and follow up with worship and<br />

prayer. If you have a hard time<br />

sitting and praying, try journaling<br />

your prayer or taking a walk.<br />

Push outside thoughts gently<br />

away and think about what<br />

you’ve read and what you see<br />

around you. Throughout the day,<br />

look up and say hi. He’s always<br />

there.<br />

What does God sound like?<br />

Just be quiet and listen to your<br />

heart—is that all? Although “Listen<br />

to Your Heart” was a sweet<br />

‘80s song, the heart goes astray.<br />

Jeremiah 17:9 NIV says, “The<br />

heart is deceitful above all things<br />

and beyond cure.” We can follow<br />

God for years and suddenly<br />

find our lives upside down with<br />

wounded people all around,<br />

when our hearts drive us to<br />

make decisions out of line with<br />

scripture. To know when God<br />

is speaking, we must become<br />

familiar with the types of things<br />

He’s likely to say. Proverbs is<br />

a wonderful place to start. The<br />

gospels are also terrific. Our genius<br />

Creator may do new things<br />

with you, but He is not going to<br />

contradict what He’s already<br />

said.<br />

Richard and I had a very rocky<br />

marriage for the first 10 years.<br />

We had gotten together right after<br />

my first husband left. Neither<br />

of us were in the right state of<br />

mind to hear God. Romans 8:28<br />

tells us God works everything<br />

out for the good of those who<br />

love Him, but when we give Him<br />

a mess, that work can be painful.<br />

After struggling for years, I ran<br />

out of love. Richard moved out<br />

in shock, but I just felt empty. I<br />

filed for divorce and began planning<br />

my future. At church, one of<br />

my friends said, “I’m praying for<br />

you. I know it’s been hard, but<br />

you listen to God. If this is what<br />

He is telling you to do, then we’ll<br />

support you.” If this is what He is<br />

telling you…The words echoed<br />

in my ears for weeks.<br />

The day before I was to appear<br />

in court and finalize the divorce,<br />

I went for a run. Standing at the<br />

water’s edge afterward, my heart<br />

wanted to sink into the depths<br />

between the lily pads. How could<br />

I say the God of unconditional<br />

love was telling me to throw<br />

away the man who loved me?<br />

At another point in our marriage,<br />

I might have been justified, but<br />

not this time. I knew my actions<br />

defied the Bible.<br />

As I stood there, he texted, “I’ll<br />

get my things tomorrow.”<br />

I picked up my phone and called<br />

him. We talked for two hours. I<br />

couldn’t bring myself to hang up.<br />

I showered and drove from Tulsa<br />

to Springfield to see him. Today,<br />

our marriage is incredible. Following<br />

my heart, I nearly forfeited<br />

the happiness we have now.<br />

Instead, I obeyed God when I<br />

honestly didn’t want to. I trust<br />

Him. Our Creator is the only one<br />

who knows how to build a truly<br />

abundant life.<br />

Proverbs 2 NKJV 6For the Lord<br />

gives wisdom; from His mouth<br />

come knowledge and understanding;<br />

7He stores up sound<br />

wisdom for the upright; He is a<br />

shield to those who walk uprightly;<br />

8He guards the paths of justice,<br />

and preserves the way of<br />

His saints.<br />

Think about it:<br />

Would you like to trust God completely?<br />

Would you like to trust<br />

yourself? Study the Bible, look<br />

up the answers to your questions.<br />

Memorize key verses and<br />

make righteous living as automatic<br />

as you can. The Holy Spirit<br />

will help you, when the way is<br />

unclear.<br />

Prayer makes us ready.<br />

When you pray, God isn’t the<br />

only one listening. Some people<br />

think we should handle everything<br />

ourselves, and take only<br />

the “big stuff,” like cancer, to the<br />

Ruler of heaven and earth. After<br />

all, He’s omniscient. If He knows<br />

everything, we shouldn’t babble<br />

on about our little lives.<br />

God knows what we are thinking,<br />

but communicating our thoughts<br />

is an act of relationship. Our<br />

arms are shorter than His, so<br />

our prayers are often, “Would<br />

you please reach that for me?”<br />

However, if we keep reading<br />

the Bible and praying, we begin<br />

asking questions like, “Why did<br />

You do that?” and “What are You<br />

wanting me to see here?” and<br />

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