Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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Agile Governance

for a Fractured World

By Klaus Schwab

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution

continues to reshape the global

political economy, many are

grasping for ideas about how to effect

positive systemic change. In a world where

technology is both a disrupter and the

driving force of progress, the best approach

may be to apply lessons from technology to

policymaking itself. Policymakers, like startups,

must look for more ways to iterate

what works and abandon what doesn’t.

To any observer of world affairs, it is

clear that after a relatively long period of

unprecedented peace and prosperity, and

after two decades of increasing integration,

openness, and inclusiveness, the pendulum

is now swinging back toward fragmentation,


Indeed, the post-world order has

already fractured in many ways. Ambitious

multilateral trade agreements have fallen

apart after key stakeholders walked away.

Unprecedented global cooperation on

climate change, embodied in the 2015

Paris climate accord, is being undermined.

Separatist movements are becoming more

vocal, as sub-national communities look for

sources of identity that will reestablish a

sense of control. And the president of the

United States has indicated that he will

pursue national self-interest above all else,

and that other national leaders should do


These developments follow decades

of globalization, which ushered in an

astonishing period of progress across

many dimensions, from global health and

national incomes to inequality between

countries. But today’s fragmentation is

not about sterile statistics. Rather, it is a

visceral reaction to forces that have driven



Klaus Schwab

is Founder and

Executive Chairman

of the World

Economic Forum.

a wedge between economics and politics.

In the space between, there is now tension;

but there is also an opportunity to push for

cooperation and shared progress.

The underlying economic drivers of

integration remain powerful. The revolution

in information and communication

technologies (ICT) has drawn people from

around the world closer together; changed

the relationship between individuals

and their communities, employers, and

governments; and set the stage for a new

period of economic and social development

unlike anything that has come before.

And yet the human drive for freedom

– the chance to build a life of meaning

and achievement for oneself and one’s

community – remains undiminished.

At the same time, there has been a

political backlash against the economic

and technological forces of change. Power

has been won by those promising to

protect traditional identities and slow or

reverse change, rather than accommodate

it. For such politicians, the narrative is

straightforward: the system is rigged

and alien forces are complicating what

were once simpler but more satisfying lives.

Of course, no one denies that a

technology-driven global economy creates

imbalances, or that greater efficiency is

often achieved without greater fairness. The

system that produced the past few decades

of growth has emphasized the rights of

shareholders over other stakeholders, thus

concentrating wealth and locking out those

without capital.

More open trade has brought about

a shift in employment patterns between

and within countries. And now that a new

wave of technological change is poised to

overwhelm existing economic and social

structures, the nature of work itself is


Still, many of those who have gotten the

diagnosis right have gotten the prescription

wrong. For starters, none of the overarching

technological and economic forces at

work today can be regulated away at the

national level. When the forces driving the

108 2018 | OUR WORLD

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